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The Hermit (Upright) | Tarot Card of the Day
The Hermit symbolizes that the answers you seek to any problem, can always be found if you begin within.
The Star (Upright) | Tarot Card of the Day
The Star reminds you to replenish yourself by accessing the transcendent light within.
The Sun (Reversed) | Tarot Card of the Day
The Reversed Sun may be indicating that you have had your share of cloudy setbacks up until this point. However, now things are beginning to brighten up.
The Hanged Man (Reversed) | Tarot Card of the Day
When the Hanged Man appears reversed, it is as if all that felt upside-down is turning right-side-up again.
Death (Upright) | Tarot Card of the Day
The Death card is the tarot's most notorious symbol for change and transformation.
The Chariot (Upright) | Tarot Card of the Day
The Chariot symbolizes courage in the face of uncertainty.
The World (Upright) | Tarot Card of the Day
The World reminds you that you can create miraculous changes in your life when you remember who you are.
The High Priestess (Reversed) | Tarot Card of the Day
When the High Priestess appears reversed, she asks you to notice any recurring signs or symbols you are receiving.
Strength (Upright) | Tarot Card of the Day
The Strength card is a symbol of inner fortitude, which helps us prevail in the face of life's challenges.
Temperance (Upright) | Tarot Card of the Day
Temperance reminds you to listen to your body, quiet your mind, and spend some to come up for air.
The Wheel of Fortune (Reversed) | Tarot Card of the Day
When the Wheel of Fortune appears reversed, it illuminates repetitive cycles, patterns and recurring life-lessons.
The Emperor (Reversed) | Tarot Card of the Day
If the Emperor appears reversed, he may be asking you to identify what feels unstable in your realm at this time.
The Four of Pentacles reversed represents a breakthrough in releasing patterns of avoidance that keep you from connecting with your true feelings.