The High Priestess (Reversed) | Tarot Card of the Day
“Pay attention to recurring signs and symbols.”
The High Priestess (Reversed) | Tarot Card
If the High Priestess appears reversed, she asks you to notice any recurring signs or symbols you are receiving.
The High Priestess is a teacher. She alerts you to a lesson you are learning. When the High Priestess appears, she tells you that the issues you are experiencing are deeper than they may at first appear. She is also calling your attention to the language of signs and symbols. Like an abstract painting, the High Priestess reversed asks you to examine the situation from different perspectives to understand it. There is deep wisdom to be gained from recurring signals.
The High Priestess speaks in a language of pictures, signs, and symbols. This language is not literal and cannot be understood by the rational mind alone. Trust your feelings to illuminate what the message is. There is nothing to fear when the High Priestess appears, upright or reversed. There is magic afoot. The Universe is communicating with you in serendipitous and synchronistic ways. It is encouraging you to find the answers to your questions by accessing your inner wisdom.
Do you trust yourself and your instincts?
Is it hard to access your inner knowing because you are distracted by anxiety? Do you confuse "fear" with your "feelings," causing you not to trust your instincts?
The High Priestess is the mistress of what lies beyond the veil. She is the keeper of your deepest wisdom. She challenges you to look past the thin shroud of your rationality and experience the deep sea of your inner knowing. She is crowned with the moon in its three phases: waxing, full, and waning. The High Priestess sees the big picture, and knows the beginning, the middle, and the end.
The High Priestess sits between two pillars: one black, and one white. This symbolizes that life's answers are hardly ever "black or white," but like the Priestess' position, are found somewhere in between. She sits before a veil decorated with pomegranates, the fruit of the Underworld. This symbolizes her answers are found beyond the anxious fears of death and change. Peeking from beyond her veil is the vast sea of the unconscious. All the answers to your questions can be found in those primordial waters.
Today, notice any unusual signals you receive.
Is there a bird or an animal that finds its way onto your path? What could that animal be teaching you? Is there a color or something that catches your eye? Ask yourself what this means to you. Is there a card from your tarot deck that keeps emerging? What could it be telling you? Today, look on the grand design of the world with the wise eyes of the High Priestess. The answers will be found within, but the Universe will always provide clues in the form of recurring signs.
Looking to learn more? Click on the card names below:
Discover The High Priestess (Upright) meaning.
Learn what The High Priestess means in matters of love, as part of my ‘Tarot in Love’ series.