The Emperor (Upright) | Tarot Card of the Day
“Authority, discipline, and command.”
The Emperor (Upright) | Tarot Card
The Emperor is the archetype for assertiveness and initiating a firm foundation for success.
He teaches you that feeling secure can only exist when you establish strong boundaries. If you don’t stand up for yourself, you are metaphorically wearing a sign that tells others that they can take control of your life and its direction. To the Emperor, this is the same as ceding his crown to a lesser king. The Emperor’s personal honor code forbids victimization. The Emperor is the personification of the voice within you that urges you to speak up assertively when something feels unjust. If you continually feel resentful that others aren’t treating you with respect, it’s probably because you haven’t been letting your “inner-Emperor” speak up.
Do you feel respected by others, and that your personal boundaries are honored?
Do you have trouble saying “no,” without an apologetic excuse or a fib? Do you want to “be nice” and think assertive people are somehow mean, selfish and don’t care about others?
The Emperor is seated on his throne which is decorated with rams. Rams charge forward, assertively defending their territory and mates. The Emperor wears armor under his robes. This symbolizes that he ready for action at any time. He is not afraid to stand up and protect his realm. His beard symbolizes his wisdom, gained from experience. The Emperor is never aggressive, just to prove his masculinity. He acts only when his realm needs to be stabilized and protected. The mountains surrounding him are protective barriers. They are also his seat of power. From their peaks, he can survey all his realm, and swiftly act to protect his personal boundaries. The Emperor wields the scepter, and the orb. The scepter it a symbol for masculine energy, the orb is a symbol for the feminine. The Emperor holds both in balance and understands that each are equally indispensable. The Emperor is relaxed and at peace with his masculinity and femininity. If you look closely there is even a stream emerging from his mountains in the distance. The Emperor does have contact with the sensitive element of Water. This spring will flow down his mountain and feed the Empress’ waterfall far below.
Our society is obsessed with gender roles. It brainwashes children into believe that life is a series of “boys are this,” and “girls are that.” Boys should act more aggressive and assertive, girls should be “nicer” and more accommodating. The truth is, we all have both the Empress, and the Emperor archetypes within us, regardless of what gender we are. Both archetypes must be respected for inner and external balance to occur. Too much “Emperor” can make you overly aggressive, combative, and belligerent. Too much “Empress” can make you passive, a doormat, and a victim.
Today, the Emperor is calling on you to be assertive.
You don’t need to justify your right to be, but you do need to stand up for it. Respectfully asserting your position is very empowering if you’ve been overly passive. This card also portends the need to create structure, to aid in the achievement of a goal. Take responsibility for yourself and your dreams. Stand up and protect your realm. Stop meekly saying “yes” when your inner Emperor is bellowing “NO!”
If you honor your inner Emperor, you will feel secure in yourself and your place in the world.
Looking to learn more? Click on the card names below:
Discover the The Emperor Reversed meaning.
Learn what The Emperor means in matters of love, as part of my ‘Tarot in Love’ series.