The Devil (Upright) | Tarot Card of the Day
“Reject the lies that bind you.”
The Devil (Upright) | Tarot Card
Nobody likes to confront the Devil.
The Devil can be a jarring image to confront. This is because he represents our shadow self, the inner saboteur. This is the insidious voice within that tells us that we aren’t worthy, that we can’t be successful and that we are stuck with our lot. Often this voice pipes up just before we are about to make a huge breakthrough. This voice comes as a final test, to see what we really believe about ourselves. The Devil is known by many names but by far the most fitting is the Prince of Lies. The biggest lie the Devil tells is that he is more powerful than we are. Each day you have a choice. To believe the voice that tells you that you are garbage, or to hear your better angels, who remind you that you are worthy.
How does your shadow manifest in your life?
Do you struggle with self-esteem? Do you feel trapped in a situation that feels beyond your control?
When you look at the image of the Devil card, you can see a man and a woman chained to his throne. They are a "corrupted" version of the innocent and pure image of the man and woman that appear on the Lovers card. They sport horns and tails...symbolizing their enslavement to the animal parts of their nature. The animal nature is only concerned with survival and protection of itself. It is not enlightened, and manifests in the form of fear, excess, jealousy, anger, hatred, unforgiveness, and the pursuit of personal comfort over all else.
The Devil highlights any untruths you may be telling yourself, which are keeping you from being the best version of yourself.
The shadow is real, but you are more powerful than it.
When you look at the image of the Devil card you can see a man and a woman chained to his throne. They are a “corrupted” version of the innocent and pure image of the man and woman that appear on the Lovers card. The trees that appear on the Lovers card, now appear in the form of unnatural tales sprouting from the pair. This shows a corruption of life and knowledge, by applying it solely through materialism and external gratification. The two figures also sport horns, symbolizing their enslavement to the animal parts of their nature. The animal nature is only concerned with survival and protection of itself. It is not enlightened, and manifests in the form of fear, excess, jealousy, anger, hatred, addiction, unforgiveness, and the pursuit of personal comfort over all else.
Look closer at the figures chained to the Devil’s throne. The chains represent the falsehood of being stuck; however, the chains the figures wear are quite loose. In fact, they could step out of them at any time! This shows that despite the fearful size of the Devil, one can be free of him whenever they choose. When the Devil appears, he calls your attention to the self-limiting thoughts and behaviors that are keeping you imprisoned. You can be free at any time, but you must stop rationalizing these behaviors away and confront them honestly. Written on the Devil’s right hand is the symbol for Saturn. In astrology, Saturn rules limitations, setbacks and self-improvement over time. This implies that honestly confronting your inner shadows will compel you to improve over time, even if the process feels uncomfortable.
The best way to transcend shadows is to embody love. Be loving to yourself and others. Don’t get hooked into defending yourself in the face of someone else’s shadow. Lovingly help someone else. Be of service. Be kinder. If you are feeling fear, help someone else feel braver. Challenge the lie that you are stuck. Send light and love to those people you can’t quite seem to forgive. “Unhook” yourself from the Devil’s chains.
By embodying your better angels, the Devil will lose all power.
The Devil in a Love Reading
New Relationship
The Devil can signify a smooth talker whose slippery words are too good to be true. Your instincts are likely warning you, though you may try to rationalize them away. Follow your common sense, rather than hopes or desires. Unfortunately, people with low self-esteem who are desperate for love, get suckered by the Devil all the time.
Long Term Partnership
The Devil can highlight a destructive relationship pattern that must be faced honestly. It’s time to bring this issue to light, honestly. Destructive cycles are broken when something is done about them, not avoided. Seek out appropriate, caring professionals for added support. The Devil can also represent a partner who struggles with addiction.
Hands down, the Devil archetype could give you the best sex you’ve ever had. If you’ve been without passion or attention for a while, the Devil will hit your system like an intoxicating drug. However, beware of becoming addicted to a person who dangles you along. Great sex does not equate to true love.
Seeking Romance
If you are single, the Devil represents repeated destructive patterns it’s time to break free of. You must remain vigilant against the manipulative intentions of people who could prey on your vulnerability. Don’t repeat the destructive cycles of the past. Know your triggers and what deceptions you are susceptible to.