Knight of Wands (Upright) | Tarot Card of the Day
“Embrace your inner explorer and pursue your passions with confidence.”
Knight of Wands (Upright) | Tarot Card
The Knight of Wands symbolizes the urge for exploration and adventure.
He is the traveler of the tarot. He is pictured here visiting Egypt. He understands that by removing himself from the humdrum routines of day to day life, he can gain wider perspective of who he really is. A passionate, confident and adventurous spirit.
The Knight of Wands has long been associated with travel. Travel broadens the mind. It frees us from monotony and allows us to explore environments where people don’t know our personal history. By exploring new places, you are on a journey of discovering yourself. When you return from a trip, your mind looks at the life you left behind with renewed clarity. It’s called “leaving the bubble.”
Not everyone can take big trips to exotic locations, but you can still go to places that allow you to connect with new people. Once there, you will realize that you aren’t so different after all. By seeing yourself as others see you, you might find you are more interesting than you thought.
When is the last time you broke routines and explored the world outside your home or work?
Do you need a spontaneous vacation or a small get away to regain perspective? Do you go to the same old restaurants, and walk the same old streets every day in your community?
The Knight of Wands is a bold figure. His little brother, the Page of Wands has a small red plume in his cap, representing the spark of adventure that accompanies new beginnings. The Knight’s blazing red plume is full. His horse rears up with uncontained energy and excitement. His passions spur him onward toward new lands. The Knight of Wands doesn’t sit around and think. He acts! He urges you to get out of your routines and expose yourself to something new. The world is wide, open and waiting for you to experience it.
In his “Four Quartets,” T.S Eliot wrote: ” We shall not cease from exploration, and at the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time. “
Today, reclaim your spontaneity!
Go an outing beyond your normal perimeters. Visit a restaurant with foods you haven’t tried. Talk to people that don’t look like you. Get excited and plan a large trip if you need a vacation. There is no excuse for being bored or boring when this knight appears.
The Knight of Wands can symbolize the feeling that you have been traversing through a metaphorical desert. This has been testing your endurance and willpower. The only way to arrive at the oasis is if you keep going. Don’t stop.
The Knight of Wands can also represent an adventurous person who loves travel, movement and freedom. He is hard to pin down, but he is the most marvelous company. Never try to “trap” the Knight of Wands through guilt, obligation or pressure or he will bolt. Knights can represent “youngish” adults of any gender. Knights are usually people who are phasing out of one way of life and into another.
Knight of Wands in a Love Reading
New Relationship
The Knight of Wands represents a thrilling new romance that’s hard to stop thinking about. There is an insatiable quality to this attraction and this person will always leave you wanting more. Try not to get too “clingy” with the Knight of Wands, or your heart could break. He (or she) may spend years traveling, dating, or moving from place to place before settling down.
Long Term Partnership
The Knight of Wands symbolizes a relationship that has been a wild ride. The very fact you got this person to commit to you is a wonder. Your partnership thrives through travel, freedom, and a change of scene. This card can also signify a long-distance relationship, or a partnership in which both partners spend a lot of time apart.
Seeking Romance
If you are single, the Knight of Wands tells you to enjoy it! Don’t be in too much of a hurry to settle down. There will be years to enjoy that future partner who’ll be unromantically eating pizza in their underwear on your couch. For now, be free. Flirt, explore, feel sexy, and enjoy your freedom!