King of Pentacles (Upright) | Tarot Card of the Day
King of Pentacles (Upright) | Tarot Card
The King of Pentacles represents the golden path to worldly success.
The King of Pentacles represents the golden path to worldly success. He possesses the internal and external markers of wealth and bearing. The Bulls on his throne are symbols for the astrological sign of Taurus. They represent stubborn tenacity and a commitment to reaching your goals. The King is surrounded by abundant possessions and lives in a shining castle. The King of Pentacles is looked upon by others as wealthy. However, his wealth stems from knowing that success grows from patience, preparation and willingness.
Are you feeling nervous about your financial future?
Is there something you want to achieve, but don’t even know where to begin? Would you say your thoughts about wealth in your life are positive or negative at this time?
The King of Pentacles is among the favorite children of his mother the Empress. He alone has been entrusted with her golden scepter, which makes all things grow. The reason the Empress trusts the King of Pentacles is because he has proven himself to be patient, prepared and approaches his tasks with loving willingness. He also wears the armor of his father the Emperor and has built a stone wall around his abundant vineyard to protect his domain. The King of Pentacles has balanced both the masculine and the feminine principals within himself.
The King’s robes are covered with grapes. Grapes are notoriously fickle and need a lot of patience to cultivate. This is especially true when transforming the grapes into pleasure-bringing wine. The King of Pentacles has the perfect temperament for nurturing these magical berries. He is out in the vineyards long before the growing season, tending the soil, and preparing the vines for the coming harvests. His patience and skill have made him wealthy, as everyone wants to taste his magical brew. The King understands that to truly get success from life’s pursuits; you must enjoy them. You must appreciate your responsibilities, taking them up with gratitude for the security they will provide. All the King’s labors are undertaken with love for what he is doing. This ensures that as the grapes grow, they are infused with sweetness, not bitterness.
To achieve the success of the King of Pentacles you will need several things.
First, you need patience. Not every day is sunny. Be reminded that the rainy days contribute life-giving water. Anything of worth requires time to develop. This includes your goals, skills, and gifts. The grapes on the vine cannot be hurried and must be tended kindly and consistently.
Secondly, you need to prepare for the future. Establish your goals. Write them down. Break them up into achievable bits. This can bolster your sense of accomplishment.
Lastly, you need to approach what you are doing with love. Infuse your responsibilities with a willing and grateful heart. This will bring much better results than if your tasks are approached with resentment, fear, or worry. This attitude will also guarantee that the grapes you cultivate are “sweet grapes,” and not “grapes of wrath.”
The King of Pentacles signifies health, wealth, money, stability, success, and joy.
When the King of Pentacles represents a person, he is financially stable and secure. He also has a great mind for business, entrepreneurship and finance. This King prefers stability and low-risk investments. He can also represent a stable family man who always plans for future security. Kings can be mature people of any gender, who are leaders or figures of authority.
King of Pentacles in a Love Reading
New Relationship
The King of Pentacles is attracted to self-motivated people that are also “going places.” This card can also represent a union that is getting off to a secure start. As with all Pentacles cards, take it slow. The King of Pentacles is looking for a mature relationship with someone who can not only envision their future success but attain it.
Long Term Partnership
The King of Pentacles represents a partner who is a leader, providing comfort and safety for those he (or she) loves. This King seems destined for personal or financial success; however, patience is needed. This card also governs long-term investments. If both partners are considering a shared investment in business or property; go for it!
Seeking Romance
If you are single, the King of Pentacles, could signify a time where you are focusing more on your long-term goals for success. Don’t worry about the future. Love will follow your successful accomplishments. Don’t settle for less and keep your standards high.