Judgment (Upright) | Tarot Card of the Day
Judgment (Upright) | Tarot Card
Judgment symbolizes rebirth, renewal, and restoration. It represents reawakening and returning to life after loss.
Often, when people see this card, they are afraid that somehow this card means that they will be “judged.” The only judgment that this card decrees is that you are worthy to rise again, and make your life as joyful, healthy, and full as it can be. Judgment represents your ability to abandon the thoughts, habits, and attitudes that keep your mind in “death consciousness.” Fear, hopelessness, avoidance, procrastination, self-limiting behaviors; these are all mental graves that it’s time to step out of now!
Do you wish you could break away from the depressive feeling that you are slogging through life like the walking dead?
Have you been avoiding a personal goal that promises to make your life better because you are afraid of failing? Have you forgotten that you still have the power to make your dreams come true?
A luminous angel emerges from the clouds, blowing the golden trumpet of life. It resonates across the whole earth. Angels throughout the tarot symbolize your higher self. The notes blown from the trumpet symbolize that you are going to be hearing your higher-self loud and clear. All that appeared dead, lost, and forgotten will rise again; reborn and revived. A new day has dawned. The graves are cast aside. Judgment declares there is still life to live!
When Judgment appears, your best-self is giving you a wakeup call.
It’s time to get up and step out of the self-imposed grave your mind has been confined to. Today it’s time to push past self-limiting behaviors about your potential and worth. Breathe new life into projects and dreams long thought dead. You can start living the life you want now, today, at this moment, if you summon the courage to step up and live consciously. Rise up like the fiery phoenix and out the ashes.
Everything in nature changes and dies. It can be sad to look back at the times when something important felt lost and you felt forsaken. But remember, everything in nature reflects rebirth. This includes you. This is the Divine and natural law. This is the benevolent judgment of the Universe.
Judgment in a Love Reading
New Relationship
Judgment can symbolize that one or both partners have undergone a major life change and are now ready to start the next chapter. This might make both people rather cautious. Although past difficulties have been experienced, a fresh breeze is blowing through. As of this moment, the future is wide open. Enjoy this time of revitalization and renewal.
Long Term Partnership
The appearance of Judgment symbolizes new beginnings after many trials and tribulations. It’s time to release “dead energy” within your partnership to experience a positive renewal. You may also recognize where you have been taking your partnership for granted and are beginning to see it again, as if for the first time.
Seeking Romance
If you are single, Judgment can signify that the opportunity for love will be more likely if you open yourself to new experiences. The old ways don’t work anymore. The past is the past. It’s time to move on and start anew. Like the phoenix, you are rising from the ashes.