Death (Upright) | Tarot Card of the Day

“Accepting inevitable change.” 

Death Tarot Card

Death (Upright) | Tarot Card

The Death card is the tarot’s most notorious symbol for change and transformation.

Many people are afraid to sit at a tarot reader’s table because the “dreaded” Death Card might show up! We’ve all seen the movies where the dark and mysterious fortune teller turns over the death card, to foretell someone’s ghastly end. In actuality, the Death card is an invaluable card to get in a reading. It indicates that you are undergoing vitally important changes, for your own good. Although not always welcome, and sometimes shocking to experience, the changes before you are the next step in your personal evolution. Although Death outwardly appears frightening, he is ALWAYS accompanied by rebirth. Like the legendary Phoenix, you too will rise from the ashes to live a joyful new life again, revitalized and renewed.

Do you struggle with accepting change?

Does fear of death, keep you from living your life? What old, unneeded, part of yourself are you resistant to letting go of, even though you know it would set you free?

Death appears astride his white horse, heralding an end to old ways. His steed marches over kings and commoners alike. No one is immune from his power. All must change. Everything that lives must die. Death’s banner is a white rose on a black background. This is stark symbol of a truth that is “black and white.” Light and life (the white flower) always emerges after darkness and death (the black background). Although his skeletal face looks scary, Death is not a monster. Nobody wants to see Death, even though he has the thankless job of kindly ending suffering. Death cannot be bargained with, and eventually visits us all. The King under the horse found that out. No amount of money could put off this day for him. The adolescent girl in the card averts her gaze, unable to look Death in the face. The priest has been preparing for Death his whole life, and yet even he kneels uneasily. The priest reminds us of the fixed quality of the Hierophant card. Death shows us that change is coming, whether our own fixed beliefs allow for this eventuality or not.

Only the fearless little child in the foreground holds a flower up to death. Children don’t get scared of change the way adults do. Children don’t fear death, because they don’t understand a fear of the realm beyond. It’s a land filled with infinite light, where they were just residing not too long ago. What’s so scary about a realm of infinite peace, release, joy and laughter?

Look closely at the background of the Death card, past the river, way up in the distance where the two towers form a gate. A realm of light lies beyond, represented as either a rising or setting sun. Whether the sun is rising, or setting is unimportant, for as the sun is setting here, it is simultaneously rising there. Could that be a “shining city” illuminated in the sun’s radiance?

Overcoming your fear of change is the requirement of this card.

I find it fascinating that the card that we associate with change in the tarot, is also the card that elicits a twinge of fear whenever many of us see it. This illustrates that change, no matter how positive the promised outcome, is still scary. And yet change is inevitable. Much like the boat in the distance crossing the River Styx, you need to cross over into the next phase of your life. In nature, that which cannot change and adapt, becomes extinct.

The changes occurring for you are leading you to new life. Other cards that surround the Death card will indicate what part of your life is undergoing change at this time. Have courage and let go of all that you no longer need. The light of rebirth awaits you.

Looking to learn more? Click on the card names below:

  1. Discover the Death card Reversed meaning.

  2. Learn what the Death card means in matters of love, as part of my ‘Tarot in Love’ series.


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