Seven of Pentacles (Reversed) | Tarot Card of the Day
“Working smarter, not harder.”
Seven of Pentacles (Reversed) | Tarot Card
If the Seven of Pentacles appears reversed, it represents mistaking negative thinking for being realistic.
Too often we accept a negative thought as true, while being resistant to positive thinking. In truth, this means that we’ve trained ourselves to believe that setbacks and hardships are more likely than limitless opportunity. Believing the worst about your prospects will not protect you from future disappointments. In fact, it guarantees disappointment before you’ve even given your best effort. Just because something is negative does not mean that it is more likely, or real. Life does not have to be approached with an attitude of toil and struggle.
Do you take the time to appreciate all that you have created and worked for?
Have you ever written down your achievements to see how much you have accomplished?
It's important to periodically review your progress and appreciate what you have already achieved. Today, take a moment to write down five positive life results that you've fought hard to achieve. These are things that you could have given up on, but instead showed that you could persevere. Look at each item on your list as if you were seeing them for the first time. Remember the phase in your life before you achieved this. What adversity did you overcome to get to this point? Take pride in each item on your list and thank your body, mind, heart, and spirit for not giving up. By appreciating what you've already manifested, you can achieve more positivity in your life.
The Seven of Pentacles reversed can also represent feeling discouraged by too many details.
Try to work in broad strokes to get yourself started. Like an artist refining a rough sketch, you can always circle back and fill in the details later. Formulate a broad plan of action. The Seven of Pentacles upright or reversed is a card that rewards effort. The greatest work that needs to be done now is to train your mind into thinking positively. Success can be just as realistic as failure, if you can believe it is possible.
Be more patient with yourself. Acknowledge your efforts and be kind to yourself when undertaking them. You may feel like you are pushing uphill, but very soon your will reach the top and momentum will sprint to your side.
Seven of Pentacles (Reversed) in a Love Reading
New Relationship
The person you are asking about is steady, pragmatic, and risk averse. Sometimes, the Seven of Pentacles appears reversed when the person you are inquiring about continuously keeps you waiting. You may need to identify if they are just being overcautious or simply aren’t ready to give the relationship what it needs.
Long Term Partnership
The Seven of Pentacles reversed can appear if you or your partner is trying to artificially speed up the natural flow of events to get what you want before it’s time. Try not to breeze through the work that must be currently done. This card can also represent a partner that rushes you into making decisions before you are ready.
Seeking Romance
When the Seven of Pentacles appears reversed, it signifies that you may be feeling impatient. It may seem like you have been waiting to connect with someone special forever. This is likely because you have been transfixed by this issue. A watched pot never boils.