Three of Cups (Upright) | Tarot Card of the Day


Three of Cups (Upright) | Tarot Card of the Day

Three of Cups (Upright) | Tarot Card

The Three of Cups portrays the famous Three Graces from Greek mythology.

The Graces are goddesses of charisma. It was said wherever they walked, flowers sprang up, and joy and laughter abounded. The Graces (also called Charities) each stood for attributes you can embrace to elevate your personal energy, transforming it from depressive to jubilant. The Three Graces exemplify the transformative power of positivity, joy, and charisma. Their presence indicates that you too can cultivate these qualities, bringing about profound changes in your own energy and attitude.

We get our word "Charisma" from the three Charities (Graces). Charisma is that magical energy which makes others like you. It's an aura of attractiveness that stems from personal confidence and positive energy. It's a magnetism that attracts others and inspires them with your passion and joy.

Charisma is a gift all of us can develop. Anyone can increase their personal charisma by embracing their authentic light, lightening up, and bringing positive energy to others. This statement embodies the empowering message of the Three of Cups. It emphasizes that charisma is not an inborn trait reserved for a lucky few. Instead, it's a quality that can be nurtured and cultivated, an embodiment of your authentic self, radiating positivity and warmth.

YouTube video for the Three of Cups (Upright) | Tarot Card of the Day by Elliot Oracle

Does the energy in your environment feel bogged down?

Do you feel too distracted by stress to even think about lightening up? Did you know that you can make your world happier by embracing your own charismatic energy?

The Three of Cups depicts the three Graces in their unique colors: red, white, and gold. The names of the Graces are Euphrosyne, Aglaea, and Thalia.

Euphrosyne is in the red robe. Her name means “to delight, cheer, gladden.” Euphrosyne shows that our environment becomes more vibrant when we embrace our humor. Any time we make someone’s day better with a smile, or lift the energy with laughter we are channeling her gift. Euphrosyne's message is "lighten up!" Use humor to diffuse what you are afraid of. Laughing at what brings you anxiety is a useful tool for overcoming it. Red is the color of courage, vitality, and passion.

Aglaea is in the white robe. Her name means “radiance, bright splendor, and light.” Every time you are sharing your inner radiance, you are embracing her gift. When you are embracing your inner light, you create a palpable positive force of energy around you that others will immediately perceive. Being relaxed in who you really are causes others to feel safe enough to open up to you. When you look into another's eyes and see that their inner light is also sacred and radiant, you are touching Aglaea's gift. White is the color of purity, truth, and Spirit.”

Thalia is in the golden robe. Her name means “to warm, to foster, to bloom.” Each time you patiently nurture something (yourself, a talent, a dream, a child) you are embodying Thalia energy. Tending to your hopes and wishes makes life meaningful. Thalia brings success through gentle tending of your goals. She also teaches that helping others with the very same things you struggle with, is the quickest way to boost your own feelings of self worth and value. Gold is the color of success, wealth, and the warmth of the sun.

Today, tap into your personal charisma through humor, radiating your authentic light, and offering warmth and kindness to others.

Watch your environment immediately improve with the gifts of the Graces. Everyone can elevate their personal charisma. Like any skill, the more you use it, the more natural it will become to access. Charisma raises energy. It transforms the feeling of a place as if by magic. That is why talented people exuding tons of personal charisma get top dollar. We want them to raise our energy, and bring us the same joy, through music, words, and entertainment.

Looking to learn more? Click on the card names below:

  1. Discover the Three of Cups (Reversed) meaning.

  2. Learn what the Three of Cups (Reversed) means in matters of love, as part of my ‘Tarot in Love’ series.


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