The Sun (Upright) | Tarot Card of the Day

"Radiating joy, success, and optimism!”

The Sun (Upright) Tarot Card

The Sun (Upright) Tarot Card

The Sun is considered by many to be the best card in the deck.

It signifies success, optimism, and everything generally working out as it should. The Sun is life, light, and vitality. The truth is, the Sun’s energy (figuratively, and literally) is present not just for today, but every day. We just get so wrapped up in our dramas and inner turmoil that we forget to remember this. Every day the Sun rises. Everyday there is a new opportunity to feel grateful for existing, to make good choices, and to celebrate living.

The Sun is a symbol of warmth, positivity, and joy. When this card appears in a reading, it often indicates a period of happiness and success. It serves as a reminder of the power of positive energy and the potential for growth that lies within each of us. Just as the sun is the center of our solar system, the Sun card invites us to focus on our inner light and let it shine brightly, illuminating our path forward.

Is your life presently feeling sunny?

Are you approaching this moment with joy or dread? Do you know you can instantly change your feelings by changing your perspective?

The imagery of this card is vibrant and joyous. The Sun baby riding the horse represents the dawn. He wears the optimistic red plume, just like the Fool. Innocence, joy and positivity are returning to your world. The child reminds you to look at the magic of existence with wonder, not as a problem that always needs solving. You don’t need to be in control of everything. You don’t need to run the solar system, that’s the Sun’s job! The Sun baby is having a blast riding his horse. Horses symbolize assistance. These are the animals that aided humanity in the growth of civilization. Horses made it possible to cross once vast and impossible distances. This symbolizes that the help that you need will come when you need it. It may not seem possible now, but solutions to the impossible will find their way to you, every time!

Why am I so confident everything will work out? Because it always does! Don’t you remember all the other times it did? If you can’t trust this truth, then you may as well believe that when night comes, it will stay dark forever. Sounds preposterous doesn’t it? The light will always return. That’s just common sense.

The Sun is always up there, in the sky, blessing us with life.

We wouldn’t be here without it. Even when it is hidden behind the clouds, it always reemerges. Even when light leaves our world each day, the Sun promises to come back with the dawn.  This is a fundamental truth for all of us. Light will always return, even after your darkest moments. Sometimes this card appears when you must surrender a situation that you can’t solve alone. Look to the symbol of the horse. Magical assistance will find its way to you when you choose to step into the light.

The Sun arrives to tell you to lighten up! Stop being so negative about life’s snafus as they appear. It may get dark periodically, but it won’t stay that way for long. Like the sunflowers, turn your face toward the light. Everything is working out just as it should.

You can be as sure of this as the Sun rising in the East.

The Sun in a Love Reading

New Relationship

The appearance of the Sun indicates a positive new beginning! As with any new relationship, you will want to be practical and gather more information, but this partnership is off to an amazing start. Sun relationships thrive with enjoyable activities. Try not to heap too many heavy expectations on the relationship until after commitments have been established.

Long Term Partnership

A Sun person thrives most with a partner who doesn’t mind playing the “supporting cast” role. They are used to being the center of attention and need to shine. The Sun can also signify a relationship rooted in healthy self-esteem for both individuals. One partner may need more attention than their relationship can provide. External activities are encouraged.  

Seeking Romance

If you are single, don’t be coy. Be bold, uninhibited, and passionate. Flirt, play, and don’t allow the quest for romance become too serious or dark. This time of your life should be enjoyable. No matter what has happened in the past, a new day is dawning. Radiate the joy you are seeking to attract. You can always begin by smiling more!

Looking to learn more? Discover the The Sun (Reversed) meaning.


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