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Death (Reversed) | Tarot Card of the Day
When the Death card appears reversed, it asks you what changes you are resisting.
Death (Upright) | Tarot Card of the Day
The Death card is the tarot's most notorious symbol for change and transformation.
Death in Love | Daily Tarot Card Meanings for Relationships
The Death card, one of the most misunderstood cards in the tarot deck, often brings feelings of unease and fear. However, in a love reading, the Death card's symbolism of transformation, endings, and rebirth can provide valuable insights into our romantic relationships. It is a call to embrace the cycles of change in our love lives, to let go of what no longer serves us, and to make space for new beginnings.
If the Six of Swords appears reversed, it suggests that you may be resisting change or finding it difficult to let go of the past.