The Magician (Reversed) | Tarot Card of the Day

“As above, so below.”

The Magician Tarot Card Reversed

If the Magician appears reversed, he calls your attention to thoughts that feel out of control.

The Magician teaches "As above, so below," meaning that your inner beliefs about yourself shape the reality you are experiencing. The reality that you see in front of you can be changed...but you have to take ownership of your thoughts and beliefs about yourself. The Magician (upright or reversed) is a messenger from your higher self. The message is that you can change what you are experiencing by altering how you think about your current circumstances, and your power over them. Are the hidden beliefs uplifting and empowering... or fearful and self-sabotaging? Remember, your thoughts are like magic spells. They create your life experiences.

The Magician reversed encourages you to clean out your mental attic. It’s time to throw away the clutter that appears in the form of negative, self-limiting thoughts that make you feel powerless and small. You are so much more powerful than you think! If you want proof, just look back at all the challenges you have overcome without giving up.

Think the thought. Does it make you feel tight, anxious, worthless or afraid?

If it does, tell that thought “You are garbage, and I’m taking out the trash. I don’t need you anymore. You aren’t true and I’m better than this.” To throw out negative thoughts, stop yourself when you are having them. Then shift your thoughts to something beautiful about yourself, or your life. Acknowledge a hard-fought achievement you’ve made. Have a few thoughts handy that always make you comfy and smile to shift gears (baby elephants, funny moments I remember, or the way sunlight illuminates green leaves on lush trees do it for me every time). When the Magician appears reversed, he calls you to reassert power over some aspect of your life that feels out of control.

The Magician stands before his altar. Before him are four objects: a cup, a pentacle, a sword and a wand.

Each represent the different elements of his external environment: his emotional life, monetary life, predominate thoughts and his ambitions. The Magician has the power to move the objects on the altar any way he chooses. This symbolizes your ability to affect your external environment by choosing to focus your thoughts and intentions. The Magician’s white wand is raised high, channeling his best self. When you are channeling your best self, you can also manifest marvelous things, as if by magic.

The best self is the part of you that feels limitless. When your mind is attuned to your best self you will notice that you feel energized, motivated and confident. You feel fearless and believe in your own talents and abilities. Unfortunately, we live in a society that borages us with images of how we really don't measure up. This affects our unconscious mind, which will run on autopilot until it is challenged. Once self-doubt takes the megaphone, your best self can feel all but drowned out. If your predominant thoughts are: "I'm too fat." "I'm not good enough." "I can't do this." "I don't know how to make this work." "Guess that just life." "I'm a fraud." "I know I won't succeed at this anyway."..........then you are not hearing your best self.

To reconnect with your best-self, remember a time in your life when you felt powerful and limitless. Remember when you felt at your best. Recall when you stood up and did the difficult thing to do. Hold that powerful and joyful feeling. That person in your memory is still you. No matter what’s transpired, this is your true essence. Remember yourself and look at your situation through that person’s eyes.

When the Magician appears, you must take responsibility for where you allow your mind to dwell. It's totally controlling your reality!

Challenge negative thoughts instead of letting them run on autopilot. Set a timer to go off at two-hour intervals today. When the alarm goes off pay attention to what your thoughts are randomly focused on. If your focus is on the negative, place it instead on something that makes you feel good. You can make your life so different, if you just change your mind to do so.

The Magician (Reversed) in a Love Reading

New Relationship

The Magician reversed is a charmer. This card can warn of flattery, trickery, or words that just don’t add up. If what he is saying sounds too good to be true, it probably is. The Magician reversed can also represent an uncontrollable flirt. If you are possessive, you may get frustrated by his shameless glances at the attractive server or bistro.

Long Term Partnership

The Magician reversed can highlight communication problems in a relationship. This card can also represent a partner who is using passive aggressive behavior to get their point across. When the Magician appears reversed, be direct, clear, and honest without abandoning kindness or the ability to listen.

Seeking Romance

The Magician reversed can represent an individual who enjoys being single for now. This could lead to hard feelings if this person glibly expressed an interest in forming a deeper connection. This card can also represent self-improvements you are making, that are hard to stay committed to. Keep your word with yourself.

Looking to learn more? Discover The Magician (Upright) meaning.


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