Six of Cups (Upright) | Tarot Card of the Day
“The past.”
Six of Cups (Upright) | Tarot Card
The Six of Cups is a card that often signifies nostalgia and looking back at the past.
The Six of Cups represents looking back at what made you happy in the past. Many people look at their past and fixate on the difficult moments worthy of therapy sessions. However, if you look at your past in its totality, you will realize that along with difficulties, there were times when you were joyful and optimistic about the future. The past holds important clues as to what will bring you fulfillment in the future. If you’ve felt happy before, you can feel happy again.
Who were you at your happiest?
Has the pursuit of security taken over your life, causing you to forget your joy? Is it easier to remember the bad things that happened in the past, rather than the good?
The children on this card are part of the little girl's happy memory. The girl is receiving a gift of flowers. Flowers and gardens are her bliss! There are so many joyful feelings that flowers conjure up for her. In the future, she wants to have a house, garden, and courtyard, just like this! The children feel completely safe in their secure courtyard. A guard is posted in the background to ensure the children can play in the gardens without a care in the world. To emphasize their protection, a large shield is emblazoned on the walkway rail. These children have more than their basic needs met. They are free to be creative, laugh, and grow in safety and security. The flowers emerging from the cups symbolize that all is thriving happily. The children look at life with complete confidence and optimism, that the future will be just as happy as this moment.
When your basic needs are met (food, shelter, safety, security), you can thrive. You can begin to develop self-esteem and place your attention on the goals and dreams that you wished for yourself as a younger person. As an adult, your chief responsibility is to see that you have your basic needs in place. This ensures you can focus on what brings you fulfillment and happiness.
The Six of Cups asks you to remember what brought you bliss.
What brought you happiness way back when? This will remind you of who you really are, and what life pursuits will bring you fulfillment in the future.
The problem for many adults is that they forget to return to their bliss once their basic needs have been established. Adults can never seem to make enough money to feel safe. They can never tear away from work long enough to enjoy the afternoon. People get so caught in the routine of securing basic needs, that it overtakes every waking moment. Even if the needs are met, people are programmed to keep securing more. They end up identifying more with the guard illustrated on the card and forget the child within. Pretty soon they can't even remember their hopes and wishes leading to their abandonment.
If you've gotten your basic needs for safety and security established, it is important to return to the forgotten parts of yourself. Your dreams and wishes can still come true, but first you must remember them. Look back at the happier times in your life for clues as to what you want your future to be like. If you can remember the feeling of being happy, you can most assuredly have it again.
Six of Cups in a Love Reading
New Relationship
It feels as if you’ve known your new love interest forever. There is a shared sense of familiarity between you. You can sense what the other is thinking or is about to say. You may share similar childhood experiences or even feel a past-life connection. The Six of Cups can also represent a partner with an eternally young, childlike spirit, especially when accompanied by Pages.
Long Term Partnership
The Six of Cups is a reminder of happy times gone by. If you and your partner haven’t been feeling as enthusiastic about your current life, it may be time to revisit a place you found special in the past. If there are current relationship difficulties, they are likely rooted in an issue that was never fully resolved from the past. It’s time to seek closure.
Seeking Romance
If you are single, this card may alert you to an old attachment that is unintentionally blocking you from experiencing new relationships. When your heart is occupied with a past love, you are unconsciously broadcasting to others, “Sorry, I already have a love. I don’t have room for you.” Perhaps it’s time to do a cord-cutting ritual to finally let that past love go.