Knight of Wands (Reversed) | Tarot Card of the Day
“Needing something new.”
Knight of Wands (Reversed) | Tarot Card
If the Knight of Wands appears reversed, he often represents scattered energy.
He is truly the jack of all trades and wants to do a little bit of everything. The problem with this is that very little gets done. When the Knight of Wands reversed appears, he may symbolize a need to limit your major goals down to one or two things. This will ensure that they have a better chance of being completed. This card often represents unfinished business.
The Knight of Wands reversed can also represent a period where it is hard to control fiery passions. He can be hot headed and may not always think about what needs to be done before diving right in. Although this is great during an emergency, it causes quite a bit of turbulence during everyday life.
When was the last time you challenged yourself to try something new?
Have you been stuck in the same routine for too long? It's important to break out of your comfort zone and explore the world around you. This doesn't necessarily mean you have to travel to far-off destinations; even small changes to your daily routine can make a big difference.
By trying new things, you open yourself up to new experiences and perspectives, and you may discover something new about yourself in the process. Embrace your inner adventurer and take risks, whether it's trying a new cuisine, taking a class in a subject you've always been interested in, or simply exploring a new part of your city.
As T.S. Eliot wrote, "We shall not cease from exploration, and the end of all our exploring will be to arrive where we started and know the place for the first time." By stepping outside of your comfort zone, you may gain a new appreciation for the familiar and discover a new sense of purpose and direction.
Seeking yourself outside of yourself can only offer a distorted reflection.
Breaking out of your ruts and routines is only half of the journey. The answer is always found back at square one...within. Exploration can give you a glimpse, a new perspective or way of seeing. However, always you will return to yourself, translating this perspective into personal wisdom for a tangible benefit. What have your explorations been teaching you? There is something very important for you to understand. Today, stop and think about what your journey has been repeatedly teaching you. Do something with what you have learned! Now it is time to take all the excitement of exploration, and allow it to manifest into positive life changes.
Knight of Wands (Reversed) in a Love Reading
New Relationship
The Knight of Wands reversed can represent a person who has difficulty moderating his fiery passions. They may lack self-control or might be impulsive to a destructive degree. If you are looking for safety, consistency, and security you may want to seek someone who can truly provide that.
Long Term Partnership
When the Knight of Wands is reversed, he (or she) can represent a noncommittal long-term partner who feels no remorse in stringing you along. Because the initial attraction was so chemical, you may feel desperate to experience the thrill of your initial passion together. You must resist the temptation to rationalize and disregard blatant red flags.
Seeking Romance
If the Knight of Wands reversed may appear when someone else is stifling your energy and freedom. If you’ve been feeling stifled, suffocated, or turned off by the actions of another person, it’s time to be up front and honest, and free yourself. If it isn’t a love match, be honest.