The World (Reversed) | Tarot Card of the Day
“What needs completion or closure?”
The World (Reversed) | Tarot Card
If the World appears reversed, it calls on you to stop procrastinating, and complete that which remains unfinished.
If your world feels upside-down, it’s source is often found in something difficult to let go of. Are you hanging onto something you no longer need? Do you keep confronting the same issue again and again? It’s finally time to grow and allow yourself to graduate to the next level of development. Close the door on a pattern that continuously prevents you from moving forward. You will know what needs to be released because there will be a twinge of resistance to letting it go. Often, the thing you are afraid to let go of also makes you feel comfortable.
Are you hanging onto something you no longer need?
The World card marks the peak of the Major Arcana. The woman on the card has experienced all the wonders and challenges of the previous twenty-one cards, and this image symbolizes her graduation. To signify this significant rite of passage, she has been given two white magical wands. These wands represent total empowerment, perspective, and mastery. The right-hand wand represents assertive, outwardly directed energy, while the left-hand wand represents receptive, inwardly directed energy. The two wands represent the mastery of both the active and passive aspects of her psyche, the left and right brain. She can give and receive.
The woman on the World card is a powerful Sorceress who knows herself and her authentic purpose. She has faced her shadows, and she is not afraid of her future because she sees herself in the context of the Universe. She has transcended her fear of death and has been reborn.
The World reminds you that when you accept and honor your entire journey, including the losses, successes, and disappointments, you can create miraculous changes in your life. You must remember who you are, and only then can you embrace wholeness. The woman on the card has done her inner work, and she can use her energy to create change in the world. She holds magical white wands in both hands, representing her mastery of both light and dark aspects of her journey.
By putting off completing one phase, you still hold onto the past, pretending that you need more time to let it go.
Procrastination is often fear in disguise. Pivotal life-changes are rarely made with one-hundred percent assurance that everything will work out. Often, your best transformations come from having the courage to let go of old tired patterns and commit to a new way of seeing your life.
The definition of insanity is doing the same thing, over and over, while expecting a different result. The truth is, when your world gets turned on its head, it offers you the opportunity to release outdated perspectives about yourself and what you think is possible. Stop the insanity and do something new!
To help you get off the hamster wheel, you may have to reach out for the perspective on another. A trusted loved one can often offer you an understanding perspective of your experience if you ask for it. To get out of entrapping mental patterns, sometimes you need to get out of your own head. Go for a walk. Get into the World. Other cards may reveal clues as to what patterns need to be released. If you make a choice move on from the old and tired ways of doing things, boundless possibilities will await you.
Looking to learn more? Click on the card names below:
Discover The World Upright meaning.
Learn what The World means in matters of love, as part of my ‘Tarot in Love’ series.