Eight of Swords (Reversed) | Tarot Card of the Day
"Take off the blindfold to see all that you are."
Eight of Swords (Reversed) | Tarot Card
The reversed Eight of Swords suggests that you are breaking free from the self-limiting beliefs that once held you back.
Old fears that once had a great hold over your life and are now losing their grip. Reversed cards can indicate inwardly-directed healing is occurring around the issues that the symbols the card portrays. In the case of the Eight of Swords it indicates that the metaphorical blindfold is coming off, allowing you to see yourself, with clearer perspective. You can choose to see the whole you, as opposed to only seeing the worries, fears, or limitations that surround just a small part of you. The Eight of Swords reversed represents escape. Like Harry Houdini, you are wriggling out of the mental traps that used to bind and blind you. You are becoming more adept at seeing yourself clearly, without the outworn blindfold. You can see more of your opportunities and gifts. You can begin to see what really makes you happy in this life. Without the blindfold you can see the light again, and your worth. You can see you are so much more than what you are worried about at any given time.
What do you see, with the fog of fear now lifting?
Fear and self-doubt can blind us to the present moment and make us feel stuck in the past. It's time to take a closer look at the situation and recognize that there are opportunities to free yourself.
If you have experienced trauma or feelings of worthlessness in the past, it's important not to let those experiences define you. Instead, focus on your unique worth and the positive impact you have on those around you. Remind yourself of the people who love and support you.
The imagery on the card may seem bleak and hopeless, but there is always a way out. Look for the abandoned swords that surround the woman in the card and use them to cut yourself free. Don't give up without a fight. Stand up to your fears and take control of your situation. You are a survivor and you are worthy of a happy and fulfilling life.
The reversed Eight of Swords indicates that you are making progress towards freeing yourself from these mental shackles.
What are all the various roles you play in life? Are you an Artist? Lover? Mother? Writer? Musician? Brother? Sister? Teacher? Wise One? Healer? Collector? Best friend? Scholar? Expert? Gardener? Father? Daughter? Tarot reader? Your roles change depending on who it is that you are interacting with. Also, each role is only one piece of all that you embody. Don't feel trapped by limiting yourself to only one role, blindly worrying about one aspect of your life that fails to encapsulate "the whole you." You are not one dimensional. Look at all your complex roles you play in this life. Write them down. Remember all that you encompass. Take off the blindfold and cut away your bonds. See the value of the whole you with eyes wide open. This will cause the fears surrounding only one part of your life to look small by comparison to your totality. Reclaim the gift of perspective. You will be free whenever you choose to be.
Eight of Swords (Reversed) in a Love Reading
New Relationship
The person you are asking about is likely coming out of a difficult situation and may need more time. Try not to rush them into commitments they are not ready to make. Be patient and compassionate. If the love is meant to be, it will be. The less you try to control the situation, the better it will turn out.
Long Term Partnership
Your role in your relationship is just one part of you, not the whole you. You are far more than “the other half” of another person. You are a whole within yourself. Remind yourself of the other roles you play in this life. It’s time to restore balance. There is so much more to do and be independent of your relationship.
Seeking Romance
You are distant enough from a bad relationship that you can finally see it clearly. You may be wondering, “How did I put up with that garbage for so long?” Thank your heart, mind, and spirit for not breaking during that trying time. You are set up for success now. Smile at the future that is just coming into being. Your heart is bouncing back.