The Empress (Reversed) | Tarot Card of the Day

“Reflect on neglected aspects and reconnect with your inner desires.”

The Empress Reversed Tarot Card

If the Empress appears reversed, she gently asks you to consider which area of your life is feeling neglected.

The Empress represents love and nurturing, so if there is an area that feels abandoned, it is time to make it a priority. Ask yourself, “What have I been neglecting within myself?” Your instincts will probably be shouting the answer as you’re reading this. The Empress is a comforting card, upright or reversed. When reversed, she asks you to shower a neglected part of your life with your love, care and attention.

What have I been neglecting within myself?

The Empress is the mother archetype. When she appears reversed, she could be providing insight into your current situation through the lens of your own experience with your mother. Relationships with mothers are complicated but they always reveal interesting patterns. What behaviors did your mother-figure model when confronting similar situations? Sometimes this card brings healing to learned behaviors from parents. As an adult you get to choose which parental traits you wish to exemplify, and which are not working for this situation.

The Empress archetype has gone by many names throughout human history. She's appeared in every land and in every culture since the dawn of time. There have been many attempts throughout history to repress her, discredit her, or forget her completely. However, after every "Dark-Age" in human history she always reemerges with a gentle smile.

The Empress sits in her abundant garden. She looks kindly at you as you approach her throne. She wears the sparkling Crown of Twelve Stars, signifying her status as the eternal "Queen of Heaven." The crown symbolizes her ability to see "the big picture," or the eternal context of every situation. She sees the time before, the beginning, the middle, the end and the great beyond. Seeing situations in the context of the eternal is a great remedy for fear. It reminds us of just how small they are. The Empress reminds us we have so much more purpose in our existence than our fears would have us believe. The Crown of Twelve Stars reminds us of the months of the year, the signs of the zodiac, and represents all things growing at their appropriate time.

The Empress reversed might also appear when there is a fear that there will not be enough of something.

This could be love, money, understanding or safety. The Empress archetype does not understand the concept of scarcity. Upright or reversed, the Empress assuages your fears and reminds you that you exist in a Universe of plenty. There are a plethora of good experiences still waiting for you out there, no matter what past issue is being healed. The Empress reminds you that love will protect and shield you. So often, just giving yourself a little more love is all that is needed to make a huge breakthrough. Therefore, the Empress carries the shield in the shape of a heart, emblazoned with the symbol of Venus. This symbol represents opening your heart and allowing love to be the solution. The shield also symbolizes protecting your heart by viewing your current situation with unconditional love.

Look at your plans, projects and priorities as your children. They need attention, consistency, love and discipline to grow and thrive. The Empress bestows all forms of prosperity whether she appears upright or reversed. When reversed, abundance may seem a little more elusive, but it is still there. When looking for answers this card reassures you that the solution to insecurities will not be found out in the world, or from another person. The Empress will open the pathway forward when you nurture the part of yourself that’s been neglected.

What does The Empress mean in a love reading? Click here for more!

Or - click here to learn more about The Empress (Upright)!


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