Page of Swords (Reversed) | Tarot Card of the Day

"Keep positive communication, learn from impulsivity."

Page of Swords (Reversed) | Tarot Card of the Day

Page of Swords (Reversed) | Tarot Card

If the Page of Swords appears reversed, he reminds you to be aware of how you are communicating with those around you.

Bring resolution to conflicts with others through respectful communication. The Page of Swords is a master communicator. He can be witty and mercurial, and yet he also has been known to lash out with a sarcastic tongue. Your words are very powerful, and they can immediately transform the energy of your environment. Don’t engage in speaking that depresses the energy around you. Use your voice in a manner that empowers yourself and others. 

YouTube video for the Page of Swords (Reversed) | Tarot Card of the Day by Elliot Oracle

Are your words kind and warm like a summer breeze? Or are they biting and chilly?

Do you struggle with defensiveness? Do you find it hard to accept criticism or feedback from others?

Watch the “temperature” of your communication today. Your words are like the winds. You can choose the voice you speak with. There are enough nasty things said, drifting over the airwaves, and on the winds. Don’t add to the pollution. Elevate the energy with positive words. 

The Page of Swords (upright or reversed) appears when it’s time to find the place within that feels most defensive.

This is where a fear of vulnerability is residing. Openly facing this fear, and being honest with yourself about it, will make it possible to grow beyond it. It is so easy to detach, deny, and forget your vulnerabilities. If you are a smart person like the Page of Swords, you might have rationalized your best areas for growth away. Release the need to prove you are correct today. Don’t insist on running to your own defense. If the feedback you are hearing isn’t valid, then you’ll know it. No need to react in an unseemly manner.

If the Page of Swords reversed represents another person, maintain an appropriate amount of distance. This individual my lash out at others and refuse to take responsibility for their own issues. Don’t take this behavior personally. It’s about them and not you.

Looking to learn more? Click on the card names below:

  1. Discover the Page of Swords (Upright) meaning.

  2. Learn what the Page of Swords means in matters of love, as part of my ‘Tarot in Love’ series.


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