The Lovers (Reversed) | Tarot Card of the Day
“Healing relationships.”
The Lovers (Reversed) | Tarot Card
When the Lovers appears reversed, it is time to restore harmony between your personal, professional, and familial relationships.
This card represents healing relationships. It also reveals that the things that are driving you crazy about someone else is highlighting an imbalance or disconnected part within yourself. Notice the three figures on the Lovers card. They are all aspects of you. They all need to communicate with one another. If they are not in harmony imbalance occurs and it most immediately show up in your relationships with others.
The Lovers reversed asks you to look at where disharmony may be occurring between you and another. Instead of getting angry at this individual ask, “What is this relationship challenge teaching me about myself?” How am I putting myself in a state of suffering? Why am I doing that?! Challenging people and situations are teachers. Frustrating people get on our nerves because they highlight what we cannot accept or face within ourselves. The show us our shadow, our opposite, the thing within we have a hard time loving or accepting.
Are you able to look at where you are at in life right now with acceptance and inner-peace?
Love is the key to resolving both internal turmoil and external conflicts, according to the wisdom of the Lovers. The journey begins with accepting responsibility for our own hearts and emotions, rather than blaming others for our imbalances. Choosing to remain miserable because of another person is a futile effort, as we cannot control their actions, but we can control our own responses and create harmony within ourselves. By choosing love and releasing the source of our internal imbalances, even those who once irritated us may begin to reveal important lessons about our lives.
To achieve this level of honesty and vulnerability, we must look to the Lovers card for guidance. The male and female figures symbolize the different aspects of ourselves that must be brought into harmony in order to achieve inner peace and self-love. The male represents our worldly, rational self, while the female represents our emotional depth and capacity for compassion. Together, these aspects form a complete, integrated whole that is necessary for our growth and healing.
The angel in the Lovers card represents our higher self, the super-consciousness that looks down on our different parts with compassion, acceptance, and perspective. By bathing the male and female aspects with loving light, the angel provides a vantage point of complete perspective and validation that cannot be found elsewhere. This is the realm of the spirit, where true harmony and self-love reside.
To achieve this level of self-love, we must be willing to bare our true selves and release our inhibitions. This means being honest about our feelings and embracing the naked truth of who we are, without concern for external appearances or social status. Only by going deeper within ourselves and seeking the guidance of our higher self can we find true self-love and inner peace.
When the Lovers appear reversed, it is time to fall in love with your life again and let go of anything that is prolonging a sense of suffering.
What part of yourself used to give you the greatest joy, making you feel empowered, full of possibility, and awake? Don’t romanticize the past, look at the truth it holds. When the Lovers appears reversed it signifies that the shortest route toward inner peace will be engaging with the neglected parts of your heart, talents, and abilities.
The Lovers card teaches us that love and acceptance are the keys to resolving internal and external conflicts. By bringing our different aspects into harmony and seeking the guidance of our higher self, we can achieve the self-love and inner peace we need to live a fulfilling life.
Heal your relationships by understanding yourself first.
The Lovers (Reversed) in a Love Reading:
New Relationship
The person you are drawn to is likely your complete opposite. Although opposites attract; he or she may not share your priorities, values, or goals. Time is needed to gather more data and to reveal if love is true. The reversed Lovers challenge you to honor your authentic values, even when your perception may be distorted by intense attraction.
Long Term Partnership
The Lovers reversed can highlight a relationship challenge that can be resolved with healthy communication. Try to consider there are two sides to every story, and that your manner of communication may not be identical to your partner’s. If the relationship is normally healthy, harmony will likely be restored by understanding the other person’s perspective.
Seeking Romance
You are either healing from a breakup or can’t seem to get over a past relationship. This card can represent a relationship that you continually try to resurrect, even when nothing changes. The harmony you seek will not come reviving a dysfunctional past. Heal your relationships by understanding yourself first.