Weekly Oracle Reveal 🔮✨ | Tarot Reading for Dec 26 to Jan 1 | Elliot Oracle 🐆 🦌 🐦

Do you choose the Swift 🐆 Cheetah, the Majestic 🦌 Stag, or the Vibrant 🐦 Hummingbird?

It's time to find out the message your animal guide has in store for you!

🔮 The Oracle Reveal is here! 🎉

🐆 The Cheetah is about speed and focus. This powerful creature encourages us to chase our dreams with all due haste. It's a reminder that sometimes, swift action is key, so make sure you seize the moment! 🦌 The Stag embodies grace, a true symbol of inner power and noble purpose, reminding us that we possess the leadership qualities and confidence needed to navigate any of life's challenges. 🐦 The Hummingbird reminds us to find joy in the little things and to embrace change with grace, showing us a symbol of lightness, boundless energy, and the constant pursuit of life's sweetness. 

The Weekly Oracle Reveal is up now on YouTube at YouTube.com/elliotoracle! 💌


0:00 - Intro

0:59 - Cheetah 🐆

5:35 - Stag 🦌

9:54 - Hummingbird 🐦

14:26 - Outro

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