The Tower (Upright) | Tarot Card of the Day

“Breaking through illusions.”

The Tower Tarot Card

The Tower (Upright) | Tarot Card

The people falling from the Tower were prisoners of their own making.

The imagery of the Tower represents individuals who have constructed walls around themselves, disconnecting from reality and numbing their emotions. They built walls around themselves that grew taller and taller. These walls separated them from feeling reality. The Tower gained in size and made them numb. Being numb kept them "safe" from being hurt by the past and the present. The towering walls they created served as a defense mechanism, shielding them from the pain of past experiences and the uncertainties of the present.

In the Tower, they could pretend there was no loss, change, or death happening outside. They would say things like, "I'm great! No sad things ever happened... what are you talking about?" Denial and avoidance became their coping mechanisms, allowing them to maintain a facade of strength and invulnerability.

The lightning on the card represents the inevitable crisis the Universe always sends to cause those in denial to wake up and to heal what needs healing. The lightning strike serves as a catalyst for change, disrupting their illusions and forcing them to confront the truth.

Sometimes, the lesson of the Tower is the hardest to accept: letting go of that which does not benefit you. The Tower teaches the importance of releasing what no longer serves your highest good, even if it feels challenging or uncomfortable. Be real today and allow your feelings to flow if something is bothering you. Feeling your true feelings will result in them loosening their grip on you. Embracing authenticity and allowing yourself to experience and express your emotions can lead to liberation and healing.

Are there unresolved hurts from the past that you need to heal, surrender and clear?

What would you rather not deal with right now? Do you "zone-out" to deny reality?" Is there a fear that if you open yourself to feeling it will hurt too much and won't stop?

Despite the destructive imagery, the Tower is one of the most healing cards in the tarot. The Tower snaps us out of pretending we are not hurting. It is a cathartic card, where old pains are finally felt, and released for healing. In that way, the old pains no longer keep us a prisoner, escaping reality. When you reflect on your life, and remember the moments that made you strongest, they are often the hard times. Avoiding challenges doesn't make us strong, dealing with them does.

Denial of truth is unsustainable. Spirit/God/the Universe always sends along a proverbial lightning bolt to snap us out of delusion. The breakdown moment is surprisingly a blessing. Lightning bolts symbolize flashes of divine magic and epiphanies at play in your life. Once reality is accepted, it can then be healed. The people falling from the Tower are returning to earth. Not only are they returning to reality, but they are returning to their true nature as well.

It’s time to stop avoiding and feel your true emotions.

When the Tower appears in an upright position, it serves as a powerful reminder to face the emotions and experiences that you have been avoiding.

The Tower is depicted as a tall structure being struck by lightning, with people falling from its heights. This dramatic imagery represents the breaking down of old patterns, beliefs, and structures that no longer serve your highest good. It is a wake-up call that shakes you out of complacency and forces you to confront the truth.

The Tower indicates that you have been suppressing or denying certain feelings that need to be acknowledged and expressed. It is common to avoid painful emotions, but by doing so, you keep yourself trapped in a cycle of imprisonment and stagnation. The Tower urges you to give yourself the permission and space to feel your true emotions, even if they are uncomfortable or difficult.

To release these pent-up feelings, find a space where you can fully express yourself. Allow yourself to cry, scream, or express your emotions in whatever way feels natural to you. It is through this process of feeling and releasing that you can experience true liberation and transformation.

Remember, honesty with yourself is essential during this time. Acknowledge and confront the emotions that have been holding you back. By facing them head-on, you can break free from the self-imposed limitations and open yourself to new possibilities.

Looking to learn more? Click on the card names below:

  1. Discover The Tower (Reversed) meaning.

  2. Learn what the The Tower means in matters of love, as part of my ‘Tarot in Love’ series.


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