Ace of Pentacles (Upright) | Tarot Card of the Day
“Prosperous beginnings.”
Ace of Pentacles (Upright) | Tarot Card
The Ace of Pentacles represents prosperous new beginnings.
It symbolizes positive financial thinking and fresh prospects for success. A new opportunity is being presented. It is illuminating your pathway toward a wealthier state of mind. Prosperous thinking begins with knowing your self-worth and expressing gratitude for your existing blessings. Positive thoughts about your possibilities entice even more abundant opportunities to seek you out, like bees to honey. When the Ace of Pentacles appears, a gateway of prosperous opportunities is opening.
What is your attitude about your financial life?
Do you feel open to receiving prosperity? Are you actively seeking out new opportunities to improve your financial life?
The imagery of this card shows a divine hand holding a shining, golden coin. This symbolizes that Spirit is blessing us with abundance and opportunity every moment of every day… we just might not be seeing it. Humans are impatient creatures prone to lethargy. We want it now! We often say to ourselves, “Why am I not getting my just reward? I’m spiritual! I thought I could just sit back and let opportunity find me, isn’t that how it works?” The Ace of Pentacles presents us with new opportunities but also requires us to do the work.
The Ace of Pentacles depicts a garden. Gardens take time, patience and work to grow. If approached as a labor of love, the garden will flourish. This illustrates that while you can change your mind to think in wealth consciousness in an instant, it doesn’t mean that money will suddenly rain down from the sky. You must tend your state of mind just as you would tend a garden. This includes weeding out negative thoughts and habits while having patience with your unique growing process. You would never get frustrated with a flower for not blooming two days after the seeds were planted. Why would you then expect your life to display a finished product immediately?
The garden also features a gateway. This represents doors of success that are currently opening to you. In the distance, beyond the gate are mountains. The mountains represent stability, reputation and overcoming obstacles. It may be time to increase your public profile and be seen. In Feng Shui, it is believed that a picture of a mountain hung on your “fame wall” can increase personal renown. The fame wall is the wall that faces the door you habitually enter your home through. Are you being courageously ascending the heights toward success?
The gateway also symbolizes that you must occasionally leave the comfort of the garden to improve it. This means going out into the external world and seeking out the elements that will help it flourish. Pursue opportunity and you will create it. Fortune consistently favors the bold.
The Ace of Pentacles asks you to tend your thoughts.
New opportunities are presenting themselves to improve your life, but you must take full advantage of them. If you are willing to do the work, abundance and success will follow. Be grateful for the riches you already possess, and more will be on the way. Open your eyes to new opportunities!
Looking to learn more? Click on the card names below:
Discover the Ace of Pentacles Reversed meaning.
Learn what the Ace of Pentacles means in matters of love, as part of my ‘Tarot in Love’ series.