The Empress in Love | Daily Tarot Card Meanings for Relationships

A symbol of love, nurturing, and abundance.

When it comes to matters of the heart, the Empress is in her element. She (or he) is instinctively nurturing and affectionate. Empress people also embrace the feminine side of their nature, no matter their gender. The Empress possesses an unmatched ability to create soothing, reassuring environments where love can flourish. She understands the magic of an enchanted evening and will expose her partner to the finest things in life.

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The Empress (Upright) in a Love Reading:

New Relationship:

The Empress archetype is a true romantic and cherishes the courtship phase of a relationship for as long as possible. Her archetype thrives on romance. Handwritten notes of affection, and decadent meals lovingly prepared will capture her (or his) heart. The more chivalrous you are in the early part of the relationship, the better.

Long Term Partnership:

The Empress oversees nurturing, growth, and deepening commitment in relationships. It may be time to give birth to new conditions, such as buying a new home, creating new business, or even expanding your family through children or even pets. When the Empress appears, your relationship is likely entering a new cycle of love, success, and plenty.

Seeking Romance:

The Empress is a sensuous archetype and will encourage you to flirt and freely express your romantic nature. It may also be time to connect with the Goddess of Love and Beauty within. Indulge in life’s delights. The Empress is a welcome guide toward your heart’s bliss.

The Empress (Reversed) in a Love Reading:

New Relationship:

The reversed Empress can signify a budding relationship where one partner is overbearing, smothering, or needy. This might have the unintended effect of turning off the very person they are trying to impress. If you are coming on too strong, back off a little. The advice of the Empress, upright or reversed, is always to “let them come to you.”

Long Term Partnership:

The Empress reversed can represent a partner who “needs to be needed.” Although this person likes to think that she is selflessly acting for those she cares for, this may be masking her insatiable desire to feel wanted or loved. This card will alert you to a partner that gives much while silently expecting a lot in return.

Seeking Romance:

The Empress reversed can highlight issues around past mothering or nurturing which is unconsciously affecting one’s adult relationship life. A lack of adequate nurturing from early family life may at the root of extreme aloofness, or excessive clinginess in adult relationships. A councilor or other professional may help with healing past issues.

Visit Elliot Oracle for your daily dose of tarot wisdom and feel free to browse my other posts for more insights into tarot meanings and tarot readings. Until next time, let the magic of the tarot guide you on your journey of self-discovery and personal growth! :)

Click to learn more about The Empress Upright and The Empress Reversed in a general reading.


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