The Lovers (Upright) | Tarot Card of the Day

“Love, in all forms.”

The Lovers Tarot Card

The Lovers (Upright) | Tarot Card

The Lovers represent love in all its forms. This includes relationships with lovers, friends, family, and most importantly yourself. The Lovers symbolize inner-balance and peace. They represent the different aspects of you, which must be brought into harmony in order to regain perspective. The Lovers card also represents choices. They remind us that we can heal any situation and free ourselves from suffering by viewing it through the eyes of authentic love.

Do you have difficulty truly loving yourself?

Are you able to open your heart and be completely honest about who you are, and what you feel? Are you able to look at your place in life right now with acceptance and inner peace?

The Lovers are brought together in a state of harmony under the acceptant gaze of the angel. They are naked and feel no shame for it. They don’t need to cover up or put on a front to impress each other. A mountain separates the Lovers, creating a barrier. However, the angel transcends all barriers and allows the Lovers to relate to one another, no matter what obstacles are present. The male gazes at the female. She in turn gazes up through the fog at the angel. The figures on the Lovers card symbolize the different aspects of you that must be brought into harmony for inner-peace, and self-love. When these elements are brought into balance within, you can then experience the most fulfilling relationships with others.

The male represents your worldly, conscious self. Behind him is the Tree of Life. This fiery tree is a symbol for vitality, and external awareness. He is the part of you that operates in the “real world.” The male part of the self wants to mentally figure everything out with a rational explanation. He fears the unknown and yet is strangely attracted to the mysteries embodied by the female on the card. Status, strength, and reason matter to him. And yet, by himself he is incomplete. He needs to connect with something much deeper than what he finds in the world. He sees this in the female. He gazes at her beauty and is mesmerized by her. She is the part he is missing. She is very precious to him and reminds him of what really matters in life. The male looks to the female for clues on what kind of person he should present himself to be out in the world. If the female is wounded, it alters his perception of his value.

The female represents the psyche, your unconscious awareness, and your capacity to feel. Behind her is the Tree of Knowledge. The snake of transformation and wisdom coils around its trunk. The snake represents the transformation that occurs when you tap into your inner wisdom. The woman takes what happens externally and creates change by incorporating these experiences into her inner knowledge. She is sensitive and kind. She loves beauty and comfort. She feels compassion and wants all things to go smoothly. And yet on her own she is incomplete. She has the tendency to “avoid conflict” at all costs. Without conflict there is no growth. She needs the male on the card to bring balance, healing, protection, and growth. She also “feels” too much sometimes. This makes her forget that there is a wider world outside of her feelings. In order to heal the wounds her sensitive heart and find peace she must look to the angel.

The angel represents your higher self, your super-consciousness. He looks down on the different parts of the self with compassion, acceptance and perspective. He bathes the male and female aspects with an unconditional, loving light. There is no judgment in the angel’s face, only love and acceptance. He does not judge them for how they look, what they do, how much they have, or what may have happened in the past. The Lovers are below a misty cloud. This represents that it is not always easy for the different aspects of the self to see things from a spiritual perspective.

The gazing figures on the Lovers card show a formula for inner peace. The “external” worldly self (male) must know his real feelings (female) to find peace and harmony. He must make peace with his feelings by being honest about them. The nakedness of the figures means baring it all. Releasing feelings of inhibition that keep you covering things up to maintain an image. But stopping at the realm of feelings isn’t looking deep enough. To heal the wounds that all people eventually acquire, one must go even deeper within for harmony. This is the realm of the spirit (angel). Only the Angel can see things from a vantage point of complete perspective. No mist covers the angel’s eyes. Only the inner spirit can truly validate the self. When you look on the naked truth of who you are with the eyes of the angel, there is nothing but love.

We fall out of harmony by attaching ourselves to only one aspect of our lives and losing the perspective of the angel.

Ruminating with emotions too much we lose sight of the world’s unlimited opportunities. Concern for status, or how we appear to others can bring an equal measure of suffering. The only way to free yourself from suffering is to love yourself enough to go within and seek your light. Seek the higher self. Look on yourself with wise, radiant, luminous eyes. The angel resides deeper within, beyond the pain. The level of where the angel resides is where self-love comes from. That is how to get it.

When the Lovers appear, it’s time to love yourself. You may have to dig deep within to find it, but it’s there, patiently waiting. Reflect on yourself through the eyes of your inner angel. Then look at the other people in the world with those same eyes. This perspective will reveal a lot to you. Instead of feeling wounded by the actions of incomplete people caught in their own suffering, you can see how they have unfortunately forgot to be their own better angel that day. Just like you occasionally do. Look on yourself and others with the love of your inner-Spirit. This frees you from all suffering and will restore harmony every time.

The Lovers in a Love reading:

In a love reading, the Lovers are a welcome sight! They amplify the effects of positive cards and moderate the challenges found in others. The Lovers can signify an intense, mutual attraction or the deepening of an existing bond.

New Relationship

Love is in the air! This is an exciting card that promises intense, mutual attraction. Time (and other cards) will reveal if this passion develops into something deeper. For the moment, know that your personal rapport with this individual is off to a very good start.

Long Term Partnership

For a long-term partnership, the Lovers can indicate marriage or the strengthening of a lasting commitment. No matter where you go, or what happens in your lives, the bond between you both is eternal. Compromise, communication, and compassion will be the tools to help this partnership overcome its obstacles.

Seeking Romance

If you are single, romance is in the air! Your self-esteem is on the rise and it’s time to flirt, play, and express yourself. Make the extra effort. Adorn yourself with flattering clothes, complimentary colors, or any other accoutrements that highlight your attractiveness. Allow subtle smiles and smoldering eyes to set your personal magnetism ablaze.

Looking to learn more? Discover The Lovers (Reversed) meaning.


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