Page of Wands (Upright) | Tarot Card of the Day


Page of Wands (Upright) | Tarot Card of the Day

Page of Wands (Upright) | Tarot Card

The Page of Wands symbolizes aspiration.

Although he has not yet reached the heights of his older family members: The Knight, Queen, and King of Wands; he still possesses their same magnetic qualities within himself. The Page of Wands represents that you too embody the same strengths you admire in the people you look up to.

Who are your role models?

What qualities do they possess that you wish you embodied more? How would your life be different if you could tap into more of “that kind of energy?”

The Page of Wands is richly dressed for his adventure in Egypt. He was inspired by his older brother, the Knight of Wands, to overcome his insecurity and bravely explore the world. He wears a vibrant yellow tunic, the most optimistic color. The Page of Wands wears the same red plume in his cap as the Fool, linking him with optimism, unlimited potential and new beginnings.

The Page of Wands holds a staff that is much taller than him. It almost looks like a measuring rod. It’s from his father, the King of Wands, and he hasn’t quite grown up to it yet. His height in relation to the wand symbolizes that he is in a state of growing. The wand the Page holds also reminds him of his role models, the Knight, Queen, and King of Wands. He is mesmerized by the Knight’s courage for adventure, the Queen’s charisma, and the King’s wisdom. He doesn’t feel bad about himself by “comparing” their talents to his own. This is because he recognizes the force behind their talents is also found within himself.

The very fact that you admire certain qualities in others is because you have those qualities in common.

Much like the Page, you may still be finding out how to make these qualities your own. Don’t try to compare yourself to the abilities, talents, and achievements of others. Instead, look at the force behind those talents, and you will see you are strengthening those same attributes within yourself.

For example, anyone who really knows me knows that I absolutely adore Judy Garland. I marvel at her talent, but more importantly I love her fearless authenticity on stage. She took risks and performed concerts until shortly before she died, all the while struggling with deep personal insecurities and a cruel tabloid press that wanted to rip her apart every day to sell magazines. This would hurt her deeply, but she would overcome it with a joke, and get others to laugh with her. She would get on stage knowing that people were “judging her,” for her personal struggles. However, she still had the courage to sing straight into the hearts of her audience. By vulnerably sharing her shadows in the open, she helped her audiences (whom she adored), heal their own troubles with a song.

Now I’ll never be a singer. However, I find myself working on being more vulnerable and fearless every day. I also learn from Judy to trust and believe in my talents. Being sensitive and helping others is a privilege. I can’t let the fear of being ridiculed for being gay, being a tarot card reader, or being different, keep me from opening my heart. Some days I’m more courageous than others, but I still aspire to transcend my own shadows with kindness.

Acknowledge the qualities you admire most in your heroes and recognize that you share this magic in common. You are kindred souls. The Page of Wands always encourages you to grow. You may not feel like you are filling your shoes in your current phase, but you are progressing.

The Page of Wands can also represent an exciting, passionate and dynamic young person who is just beginning to realize their full potential. He exhibits true talent and brilliance in the area of his focus. He can also represent a skilled artist in the performing arts. Pages can represent “the young at heart” of any gender.

Page of Wands in a Love Reading

New Relationship

The Page of Wands symbolizes a light-hearted beginning. Your new partner is enthusiastic and never boring. He (or she) gets along best with a person who isn’t overly serious and has a good sense of humor. At this stage he is probably not ready for a serious commitment. Try not to be smothering, for you can never cage this Page.

Long Term Partnership

The Page of Wands signifies a relationship that flourishes when it is fun. This partnership requires enjoyment, play, adventure, and travel to thrive. You both also benefit from an eclectic social circle. One partner may require a more active social life which can create conflict if the other partner is prone to possessives or jealousy.

Seeking Romance

If you are single, the Page of Wands can signify a “growing process.” You are likely undergoing a major developmental stage in your personal evolution. It may feel difficult to find a serious relationship at this time, but for good reason. Although it may not feel like it, the best days are yet to come. Don’t lose your optimism about the future.

Looking to learn more? Discover the Page of Wands (Reversed) meaning.


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