Nine of Pentacles (Upright) | Tarot Card of the Day

“Wealth and security.”

Nine of Pentacles (Upright) | Tarot Card of the Day

Nine of Pentacles (Upright) | Tarot Card

The Nine of Pentacles represents wealth and security.

It also symbolizes luxuriating in your accumulated successes. Every financial guru teaches that gratitude leads to more wealth. The Nine of Pentacles teaches that wealth follows your focus, which must be trained. Being truly prosperous is more of a state of mind, than a dollar amount. If you want to experience even more wealth, you will have to slow down, acknowledge your success and be mindful of where you place your focus.

Do you take the time to slow down and savor your successes?

Are you truly opening yourself to prosperity? Does your environment feel like it exudes “wealth energy?” (If not, it might be time to get a book about Feng Shui from the library.)

The wealthy woman on this card admires her abundant garden. It shines with the golden light of success. Her palace sits aloft the hills in the distance. She is training her pet falcon. She wears a glove over her left hand, to protect herself from the falcon’s sharp talons. The left hand is associated with receptivity. The woman is protective and selective about what she is allowing herself to receive. Falcons are famous for their acute vision and powers of focus. The woman has placed a training-hood over her falcon. This symbolizes that she has learned how to train her own focus. She knows that what she places her attention on, she receives. The falcon is not racing ahead for a hunt, or frantically looking for his next prey. He is instead enjoying the affection of his mistress. He is also listening carefully to her encouraging words.

The woman has another pet with her in the garden, this one is rather difficult to see but also teaches a very important lesson. Look closely. Can you spot it?

Far down in the left-hand corner of the image is a snail. Snails are sloooooowwwwww. They take their time to reach their destination. In fact, “destinations” aren’t really important to them because snails are always home. The woman keeps the snail in her garden. Snails are very sensitive to their environments. This reminds her that in order to ensure that even more wealth flows, she needs to slow down, clear her environment of burdensome energy. The wealthy woman makes sure that her garden is only filled with imagery that conjures up a sense of abundance. This keeps her little companions healthy, ensuring wealth is continuously attracted to her.

When the Nine of Pentacles appears, it heralds a time to open yourself to wealth.

Take control of where you place your focus. Enhance your environment so that it evokes feelings of wealth, success and prosperity. Perhaps you need more greenery in your home. Maybe your house needs to be cleared of clutter. Like the snail, you are very sensitive to your environment. See to it that your home gives you a positive sensory experience in each room. Light some candles and accent your place with some richly colored pillows. Place some abundant plants by the windows or get a “money tree.” Ensure that your home smells good and pleases all the senses. I find the scent of cinnamon always makes me feel prosperous. When you look around you should see an abundant environment that reflects feelings of success.

Slow down and create an environment that emanates prosperity. Abundance will follow. The Nine of Pentacles always promises prosperity, success and comfort.

Looking to learn more? Click on the card names below:

  1. Discover the Nine of Pentacles (Reversed) meaning.

  2. Learn what the Nine of Pentacles means in matters of love, as part of my ‘Tarot in Love’ series.


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