The Hermit (Reversed) | Tarot Card of the Day

“Time to reemerge and share your newfound wisdom with the world.” 

The Hermit Reversed Card

The Hermit (Reversed) | Tarot Card

If the Hermit appears reversed, it indicates that it is time to reemerge from your inner landscape and share yourself with the outside world again.

After a period of introspection and self-work you have gained new insights and wisdom. Now the demands of the external world may be calling you back. Duties will multiply, and events may pick up speed. The Hermit is the "way-shower" from within. Don't be surprised is you may be a way-shower to others, now that you made your own journey. It is time to engage with the world around you and share your unique wisdom and experiences.

Do you make a habit of tapping into the wisdom within you, or do you tend to distract or numb yourself when faced with discomfort?

Are you aware of the inner Wise One that resides within?

The Hermit sets out into the darkness, confronting uncomfortable truths and feelings. The snow he travels over represents emotions that have been "put on ice" or numbed. But with his warm, illuminating lantern and his staff of wisdom, he melts the cold, allowing emotions to be resolved and released. By following his gentle guidance, you can uncover the hidden lessons beneath the surface. Is your heart frozen? Can you access and feel the emotions within, or are they numb?

The fear of discomfort masks the truth and prevents you from accessing your wisdom. One common misconception about the Hermit's lesson is that wisdom can be found solely through thinking. However, overthinking simply allows anxiety to go unchecked, leading to hollow solutions that do not address the root of the problem. Feeling the discomfort, on the other hand, allows for true resolution. Unfortunately, many people avoid facing their feelings by turning to their phones, alcohol, or binge-watching television.

The Hermit reversed also indicates that you may possess something important that can contribute to the world around you.

However, you cannot share it if you are hiding. It is so important that you don't hide, avoid or become shy about what you offer. The Hermit represents the authentic place within you. Have the courage to reveal your authentic self with others. Your challenges, and introspective journey have given you valuable wisdom. Reconnect with the world and share that wisdom with others. When the Hermit appears reversed, he reminds you that you are not alone. It is time to seek the company of others, who have also done the inner work to know their authentic self. Sometimes this card simply means that you are not as isolated as you think. New friendships, partnerships and connection will appear. A breakthrough will happen if you are open and reconnect with others at this time. 

Looking to learn more? Click on the card names below:

  1. Discover the The Hermit (Upright) meaning.

  2. Learn what the The Hermit means in matters of love, as part of my ‘Tarot in Love’ series.


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