Eight of Wands (Upright) | Tarot Card of the Day


Eight of Wands (Upright) | Tarot Card of the Day

Eight of Wands (Upright) | Tarot Card

The Eight of Wands represents movement, progress, and momentum.

Events begin to move faster when this card appears. The Eight of Wands also rules information and communication. Answers to questions become available. Once stuck issues become unstuck, whether about a personal goal, an awaited answer, or your state of mind.

Is it time for you to confront something in your life that feels stuck, and get it moving again?

Is it time to act on your personal goals? Are you procrastinating about something instead of just getting the job done?

The imagery of the Eight of Wands in the Waite-Smith Tarot is the only card without a human (or part of a human) illustrated on it. There is an impersonal quality to this card. Eight sticks are hurtling through the air, what is that supposed to tell you?! The lack of people symbolizes that progressing events should not be taken personally. It also advises you to move forward on what makes rational sense, instead of letting anxiety stall you. Although all the wands are moving swiftly, they are not disorganized. There is a clear sense of direction.

A river that appears on the bottom of the card, symbolizing that you need to move with life’s currents, instead of fighting against them. The small house on the hill signifies looking at things from a higher perspective. Take the rational view when confronting this issue. Make the logical choice.

This card can also appear to tell you to just “get the job done!”

Write the emails, finish the task, stop procrastinating, do a “Hail Mary,” and take that personal risk! Ask yourself, “Am I letting anxiety about something impede my progress on this issue?” “Do I need to speak up and confront something, so that I can overcome it?

Don’t be surprised if once stuck parts of your life begin to pick up speed. Summon your motivation and get it done. No excuses, no whining, and no more letting anxiety run the show. Avoidance results in depletion of personal power. Today, strength comes from confronting and acting.

Let this fresh breeze at your back propel you forward. This is a very favorable card for getting events to finally move toward your target. Ride this momentum toward success.

Eight of Wands in a Love Reading

New Relationship

The Eight of Wands can represent an exciting, fast-progressing partnership. The person you are inquiring about is thrilling, offering endless opportunities for exciting experiences. Your ability to communicate is unmatched. Expect engaging conversations, shared interests, and ideas. This card can also represent a close connection to someone who is separated by a long distance.

Long Term Partnership

The Eight of Wands can signify sweeping changes that are providing new opportunities for either you or your partner. This card can also represent increased passion and communication after a period of quiet and distance. A fresh breeze of exciting momentum is blowing through your life together. When this card appears, go with the flow.

Seeking Romance

If you are single, this card encourages you to act instead of overthinking. Avoid analysis paralysis. If you see someone you like, say something. Socializing online can also give you a safe opportunity to put your toe in the water before taking the deep dive with dating.

Looking to learn more? Discover the Eight of Wands (Reversed) meaning.


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