Knight of Swords (Reversed) | Tarot Card of the Day
“Slow down and replenish yourself.”
Knight of Swords (Reversed) | Tarot Card
If the Knight of Swords appears reversed, he calls your attention to how you are managing increasing external demands in your life.
The horse on the card is a symbol for your physical body while the knight is the taskmaster within. The Knight of Swords reversed usually appears as a warning to slow down and replenish yourself. Stress is a fact of life. However, just because there is stress does not mean that you should be cruel to yourself while confronting it. The main critique of the Knight of Swords is that he is so focused on accomplishing his goal that he forgets to be present. When reversed, this can indicate that he is also unknowingly hurting himself in the process.
Ask yourself — How does my body feel while I am getting these tasks done?
The Knight of Swords reversed can also represent obsessive thinking. If you are noticing that you are exhibiting “tunnel-vision” at this time you may need to consciously choose to place your thoughts on something else for a while. Restore your personal balance and look around you. Take the time to appreciate something beautiful. Have your lunch in the park today. Consciously let go of your tasks for a moment and give yourself a break. The Knight of Swords reversed asks you to be your own best advocate and to realize that your mind and your body are on the same team. Each part of yourself needs to be kind to the other. Take a deep breath in and exhale all the tension and the stress. Slow down and allow yourself to feel at peace with certain areas of your life still being “works in progress.” Give yourself a little gift today to show your appreciation to your body and mind and all that they do for you each day. The present is where beauty and magic are happening. Restore yourself now, not later.
Knight of Swords reversed urges you to find a balance between pursuing your ambitions and taking care of yourself.
When the Knight of Swords reversed represents another person, he can be obsessive and compulsive. He may also inadvertently cause damage to his relationships by being thoughtless or selfish. He doesn’t always think before he speaks. You will often have to be the “bigger person” with this individual.
Looking to learn more? Click on the card names below:
Discover the Knight of Swords (Reversed)) meaning.
Learn what the Knight of Swords means in matters of love, as part of my ‘Tarot in Love’ series..