Five of Wands (Reversed) | Tarot Card of the Day
"Overcoming negativity, fostering compassion amidst insecurity."
Five of Wands (Reversed) | Tarot Card
If the Five of Wands appears reversed, it alerts you to people who may be targeting you with negativity, because of their perception that somehow you are “better” than them.
People with wounded egos often look at others who project self-confidence or kindness as threats. For them, being kind implies that you aren’t enduring your own struggles. This isn’t always the case, but insecure people often assume it’s so. When confronting people with low self-esteem it’s important that you don’t let your ego get triggered when they treat in you in a less-than-kind manner. Immature behavior like this says more about them then it does about you. Keep being excellent for yourself. You will attract those of like mind and will repel those that you don’t really want around anyway.
Are you constantly comparing yourself to others, feeling like you must be perfect at everything?
Have you ever stopped to think how damaging this all-or-nothing thinking can be?
The Five of Wands card traditionally represents competition, ambition, and struggle. It symbolizes the inner tension we feel when we are caught up in our egos, constantly comparing ourselves to others. From a young age, we are taught that we must always strive to be the best, to win at everything we do. But this kind of thinking can set up impossible standards that can never be attained, leading to feelings of inadequacy and low self-esteem.
The adolescents on the Five of Wands card are competing with each other, each trying to prove they have the biggest stick. They believe there can only be one winner, and that anything less is humiliating. But they do not see that each person is an individual, with their own unique combination of skills and talents. Each figure on the card is dressed in a distinctive and individualized costume and design, representing this uniqueness.
The truth is, nobody can be the best at everything. We each have our own unique combination of gifts, and that is what makes us special. You don't have to win at everything to be worthy. You are unique and special, radiating a beauty that is all your own.
Today, catch yourself if you are caught up in the game of big sticks. Remember the words of Judy Garland: "Always be a first-rate version of yourself, instead of a second-rate version of somebody else." Embrace your uniqueness and be proud of who you are.
At its most basic level, the Five of Wands reversed could represent immature adolescents, or adults that are acting in an immature manner.
Try not to engage in tit-for-tat behavior. If you are dealing with an immature individual, try not to personalize it. They will most likely enjoy the conflict they pulled you into. Recognize that this unfortunate individual has a lot of growing to do. Try to remember a time when you were still learning or growing to facilitate a sense of compassion.
Don’t participate in ego struggles brought on by the comparison game. There is no need to struggle or prove something to others who are obviously wounded. It’s time to keep your eyes on your own paper. Be at peace within yourself.
Five of Wands (Reversed) in a Love Reading
New Relationship
The Five of Wands reversed can reveal a relationship dynamic where one partner feels they are in competition with the other. The competitive person may try to diminish their companion to feed their own weakened ego. This sort of behavior only reveals their underdevelopment. This card can also signify a new partner with an easily triggered, volatile temper.
Long Term Partnership
The Five of Wands reversed can signify a partner who is extremely insecure. They may act petty or behave thoughtlessly. This card can also represent a “nitpicker” who always insists on being right. They may use passive aggressive behavior and guilt to get their way. Avoid engaging in any toxicity that perpetuates conflict.
Seeking Romance
The Five of Wands reversed can appear if you are excessively comparing yourself to others. Other people’s appearance, successes, relationship status, or accomplishments…none of these things had anything to do with you. Keep your eyes on your own paper. You cannot shine if your life is lived in other people’s shadow.