The Moon (Reversed) | Tarot Card of the Day
“Honor your inner feelings and trust your instincts.”
The Moon (Reversed) | Tarot Card
If the Moon appears reversed, it indicates that you may have been neglecting your deeper instincts.
More recently, you may have had to conform to the demands of the external world to survive. This is necessary to function in the world but should not be at the expense of your deeper feelings and instincts. The Moon reversed calls you back to your instinctual self. It’s time to ask yourself how you really feel. It’s time to reconnect with the natural world, with magic, with the changing seasons, and with your deeper wisdom.
What color are your emotions today?
Are they a healing blue, depressing grey, glowing pink, sunny yellow, or a mixture of greens? It's essential to be aware of our emotions, especially when feeling moody, as they can have a profound impact on our experience.
The Moon has a powerful influence on our instincts and unconscious emotions, shaping our perception of the world around us. If we are consumed by negativity, we will focus on the negative aspects of our environment, while a positive outlook will bring joy to even the bleakest situations. By checking in with our moods and feelings, we can better understand how they color our perception of the world.
The Moon card depicts a wolf and a domesticated dog howling at the Moon, representing our primitive and civilized selves, both subject to the mysterious and irrational forces of nature. Similarly, the lobster pulled from its lair by the Moon's power symbolizes our innate vulnerability, even when wearing armor to protect ourselves.
The Moon's gravitational pull affects not only the tides but also our bodies, composed of 65% water. Thus, when the Moon appears, it's an invitation to listen to our instincts and intuition, reconnect with our magical selves, and let our deeper wisdom emerge. Trusting our feelings and hunches can lead to valuable insights and guide us through any challenge.
When your instincts are neglected, they begin to act up. In Latin, the Moon is called Luna, where we get the word “lunatic” from! Neglected instincts will often make you feel crazy. The Moon reversed can signify illusions created from unresolved feelings. If you have felt unlucky, imagining terrible things or feel psychically lost, the Moon reversed asks you to look deeper within and feel what is trying to emerge. If you keep encountering the same cycle or problem in the external world, the reason could be linked to what you still need to resolve within. The other cards that appear around the Moon reversed can give you a glimpse into what those unresolved feelings are about.
When the Moon appears reversed, it also can indicate a time when mysterious forces are working through the undercurrents of your life.
Be open to magic and listen to your deepest hunches. Destiny may be calling. This could be a time where doorways begin to open, and creative potential that was beneath the surface suddenly emerges. Most importantly, trust the voice of your intuition. You unconsciously know more than you think you do. Your instincts will guide you toward the right action every time, but only if you are tuned into them.
The Moon (Reversed) in a Love Reading:
New Relationship
Moon reversed can describe a deep connection that erratically changes with no explanation. Although behaviors constantly shift and change, a cycle may be revealed in time. The Moon reversed can represent a relationship that is founded upon illusions. Although spellbinding, you must be honest about its less attractive realities.
Long Term Partnership
A Moon reversed personality may behave irrationally or display excessive moodiness. The shadow of the Moon is often expressed by one partner being in a state of denial about a glaring issue. They may have difficulty facing facts or taking responsibility for their behavior.
Seeking Romance
The Moon reversed can signify you’ve been powerfully imprinted by a past emotional attachment. This connection is replayed in your mind, over and over. Although you may say you are looking for someone new, others may unconsciously perceive that your heart is already occupied. Past attachments may need time to dissolve before new bonds can be established.