Four of Swords (Reversed) | Tarot Card of the Day
“Mental clarity and inner peace.”
Four of Swords (Reversed) | Tarot Card
If the Four of Swords appears reversed, it indicates that there is a restless energy about.
Restless energy is not always bad.It can motivate you to accomplish goals and to get events moving again. It can also indicate excitement and motivation toward action. Restlessness becomes unhelpful when it turns into anxiety. The Four of Swords reversed may indicate that you may have to stop the flurry of rapid thoughts barraging your mind and remember to breathe.
The Four of Swords reversed is a card of duality, representing the need to balance restlessness and action. This card serves as a reminder that while our desires and ambitions may drive us forward, it's crucial to maintain a sense of mental and emotional equilibrium. Drawing this card suggests you may be experiencing an excess of restless energy and are urged to find balance and grounding.
Be kind to yourself. Whether it's through meditation, nature walks, or simply indulging in a favorite hobby, finding moments of peace amidst the chaos can be transformative. This card beckons you to recognize the value of both action and inaction, and to understand that genuine progress often lies in balancing the two.
When was the last time you took a relaxing nap or gave yourself time to unwind?
If you're feeling anxious or overwhelmed, it's time to prioritize self-care. It's important to identify anything that is interfering with your inner peace, such as attachment to outcomes that no longer bring joy. You can choose to let go of what's causing suffering and find peace within yourself.
This card reminds you to pay attention to your body and to find ways to release built-up tension. Take a break from stress and give yourself time to recharge your mind, body, and spirit.
One way to promote inner-peace is to practice deep breathing. Find a quiet place to sit and scan your body for areas of tightness or tension. Then, slowly inhale through your nostrils for eight seconds, filling your body with revitalizing air. Hold the breath in the tense spot for eight seconds, and then exhale through pursed lips over eight counts, allowing your body to release all accumulated tension. Repeat this breathing exercise two more times.
In addition to deep breathing, there are other ways to promote relaxation, such as taking a hot bath with candles and scented water, sipping a soothing herbal tea, or taking a walk in nature. When the Four of Swords appears, it's time to prioritize rest and recuperation. Plan a vacation or take a break to recharge your batteries. Remember, blessings come to those who find peace within themselves.
The Four of Swords reversed encourages you to reject frantic thinking.
Take a time out. Remember to breathe. Take a break from problem solving. If you allow yourself some time to rejuvenate your mind, you will be able to return to the task at hand with clear perspective. Everything is falling into place. Like the word “Pax” on the stained glass suggests, allow yourself peace of mind. There is no need to get anxious, tight or stressed. Tune into your body as a barometer for what you currently need. Avoid excess and extremes today. Strive for inner peace.
This card also highlights the importance of not letting our restlessness go to waste. Instead of ruminating, we are encouraged to channel that energy into constructive actions, tapping into our willpower to drive positive changes. The reversed Four of Swords, in essence, reminds us that peace and clarity are within reach, and the key lies in embracing moments of calm amidst the hustle and bustle of life.
If there is still accumulated restless energy channel it into something constructive. Don’t ruminate. Let your restlessness fuel your willpower.
Four of Swords (Reversed) in a Love Reading
New Relationship
The Four of Swords reversed can signify someone who has social anxiety which interferes with their ability to connect with others. Take baby steps with this person. He or she mustn’t feel pressured or rushed. This card can also signify a person who hasn’t dated in a long time and is awkwardly getting off on the wrong foot. Time and patience are needed.
Long Term Partnership
The Four of Swords reversed could indicate that both you and your partner have been so inundated with the needs of others that you would benefit from some much-needed rest and relaxation. Embarking on a romantic retreat can do much to restore the bonds you share.
Seeking Romance
You may have been feeling restless or anxious about your love life. Something about the past remains unsettled and you are hesitant to move on. Take all the time you need to heal and make peace with the past. Your heart has needed detachment and rest so that it can heal, however, it’s preparing to wake up. A reawakening is just around the corner.