The Fool (Reversed) | Tarot Card of the Day
"What do you need to learn more about?"
The Fool (Reversed) | Tarot Card
When the Fool appears reversed, he asks you to release your fear of failing before you begin.
The fear of failure is a crippling companion. It can completely halt your momentum. Errors are our best teachers. We need them to grow. When the Fool is upright, his instinct is to begin his new journey unselfconsciously. When the Fool appears reversed, he represents the need to release limiting self-consciousness, which can keep you feeling stagnant.
What avoidance mechanism is holding up your success?
The Fool often appears reversed when we feel lost, confused, or like we are being pulled by an overwhelming life full of unknowns and uncertainties. What future “unknowable” feels scariest to you currently? What avoidance mechanism is holding up your success? The Fool is only a fool because of what he doesn't know. Anyone can gain more knowledge to solve any difficulty. When you challenge yourself to learn new things that are out of your comfort zone, you build self-esteem and become empowered.
The Fool reversed can also indicate a sense of “imposter-syndrome.” This is the fear that others will find out you don’t know everything about a position you hold, or a subject you are studying and therefore you must not belong. The fear that others will discover you aren’t somehow qualified is very common, even among the most successful people.
Ask yourself what you need to learn more about to empower yourself. Challenge yourself to take a risk and learn something new. This will ultimately put you on a direct path to reaching your goals. Don't be afraid of doing it wrong, looking stupid, or not knowing what's ahead. You will find that the choice to act will give you great power. The Fool safely finds his way through openness and trust. Be brave and take the steps you are afraid to take.
The Fool (Reversed) in a Love Reading
New Relationship
The Fool reversed can signify an individual who hasn’t acquired all the emotional tools necessary to contribute to a practical relationship. He (or she) may not give much thought to the long-term success of relationships. Upright or reversed the Fool is charming company, although he acts with a thoughtlessness that is never malicious.
Long Term Partnership
The Fool reversed can signify a partner whose persistent immaturity or inability to face responsibilities has become challenging. Discussions about bills, finances, or the future are often avoided. This card can also highlight neglected practical concerns. The Fool reversed will often leave his partner to take on all the responsibility when it comes to sticky situations.
Seeking Romance
The Fool reversed may encourage you to release your fear of failing before you even try. If you’ve been secluded or expecting love to come to you, you may need to take the initiative and courageously get out into the world again. Start with reaching out to friends and having fun. Stop overthinking yourself and let go. You might actually have a good time!