The Star (Reversed) | Tarot Card of the Day
“Balancing the mundane with the eternal.”
The Star (Reversed)
When the Star appears reversed, it signals a need to balance practicality with transcendental spiritual concerns.
Upright or reversed, the Star encourages balance. It is important to give equal consideration to both your spiritual needs while also remembering to invest time and energy in the practical. Many “spiritual” people need to be reminded to face the external world and its challenges without getting too carried away in the higher planes. When this card appears reversed it can indicate a neglect of practical concerns. These earthly concerns include money, financial planning, taking care of your physical body or experiencing life outside of your Ivory Tower. The Star is a very spiritual card with an emphasis on the eternal, otherworldly and mystical. When this card appears reversed it could indicate that you have been swimming in the universal pool for too long and may be ignoring some important practical matters. Look how the woman on the card takes water from the pool and spreads it on the dry earth. You may need to invest some more of your energy into something mundane, yet necessary.
Do you ever feel like you've lost sight of your purpose or gotten caught up in something that doesn't really matter in the long run?
The woman on the Star card reminds us to replenish ourselves by drawing from the healing waters of the Universal collective. We must also give back to the collective by sharing our blessings and enriching the world around us.
The Star card in the Tarot is a powerful symbol of hope and renewal, especially during turbulent times. It encourages you to look at your life from a transcendent perspective, one that allows you to see your authentic self and your true purpose. By following your North Star and tapping into the eternal, immortal part of your spirit, you can overcome any challenge you face in the mundane world.
In the Major Arcana, the Star card comes after some of the most challenging cards, symbolizing the shedding of ego and the realization of our imperishable inner light. This light always exists within us, even if it's buried under layers of fear and burden. The Star card reminds us to access this light and bounce back from defeat, transcending all challenges.
The Ibis bird in the background of the card represents the wisdom we need to rise above our challenges and see the big picture. By journaling our revelations, we can tap into this wisdom and gain a better understanding of ourselves.
The Star reversed can also indicate a neglect of what is eternal within you.
By pouring all your energy on the dry earth you may be forgetting to look at the situation from a transcendent place. It may be time to draw inspiration from the pool, reclaim your wisdom, and step into an awareness that you are a luminous and eternal spirit in human form. It may also benefit you to invest time in activities that make your spirit feel inspired, vital and engaged.
We are all children of the stars. The same atoms that make up the cosmos are present in you. Your creative contributions to the planet are part of a larger universal pool. Today, it is not all or nothing. You can be a practical person that remains connected with your spirit. You can also be a spiritually evolved individual who pays their bills on time! After you have balanced your inner and outer world the Star (upright or reversed) requires you to give something of yourself back to the universal pool; something to benefit all. Share your gifts without expecting a return. This will ensure the eternal pool within remains full.
Looking to learn more? Click on the card names below:
Discover The Star (Upright) meaning.
Learn what The Star means in matters of love, as part of my ‘Tarot in Love’ series.