Eight of Wands (Reversed) | Tarot Card of the Day
"Just breathe."
Eight of Wands (Reversed) | Tarot Card
The Eight of Wands reversed represents a flurry of activity.
There are deadlines to meet, tasks to complete, bills to pay, events to be present for. All the while life is still going on in the background. Family needs attention, mini crises need to be averted, unexpected events require immediate flexibility. All this activity can cause breathing to become shallower and anxiety levels to become elevated.
Are you neglecting other important areas of your life in the pursuit of completing tasks and meeting deadlines?
Do you need to let go of something that unrelentingly races around in your head or heart?
The eight staves on this card are all racing through the air. They will meet their mark more effectively if the skies are clear. The element of Air is a symbol for the mind. This card is a reminder to connect with the element of Air through deep breathing. Deep breathing has the positive effect of immediately creating calm. This will help you regain clarity. Often, we don’t stop to alleviate our anxiety by partaking in this one simple act.
When the Eight of Wands appears reversed, it asks you to take a time out.
Slow down. Take a break from the frantic dash and relax. Calm down, all will get done on the list, but you need to address your center right now. Check in with your center and ask it how it’s feeling. Do you need to let go of something that unrelentingly races around in your head or heart? Can you be kind to yourself today and not cruel? It’s time to take several deep nourishing breaths and exhale all that stress away.
There! Doesn’t that feel better?
Being productive doesn’t mean being tense, irritable and stressed out. In fact, this makes you far less effective. Today, lower your stress level by treating yourself to a break. Even a little one. You can give yourself fifteen little minutes, right? Do this, and you will accomplish all your tasks with grace and ease.
Eight of Wands (Reversed) in a Love Reading
New Relationship
When reversed, the Eight of Wands can represent inconsistent communication. You might experience a flurry of messages one week, only to receive silence the next. Upright or reversed, there is an impersonal quality to this card. The inconsistency you are experiencing is not because of something you did. Don’t personalize another person’s issues.
Long Term Partnership
Your partner is experiencing increased demands on their time and energy. They may be spread too thin. Instead of taking their distance personally, understand that there are too many irons on the fire at this time. This card can also represent a partner who is scattered or forgetful about issues you find important.
Seeking Romance
The Eight of Wands reversed can represent a heightened sense of anxiety. It’s time to keep calm and carry on. There is likely a situation that is triggering some nervous tension which is interfering with your ability to think clearly about your current prospects. You will connect with others more effectively if you restore inner calm.