Justice (Upright) | Tarot Card of the Day


Justice Tarot Card

Justice is the archetype of honesty, which is essential for restoring balance and harmony.

Lady Justice grasps her mighty Sword of Truth. Her goal is to restore order and equilibrium, symbolized by the golden scales she holds in her left hand. The Justice figure in the tarot is not blindfolded. She sees the situations confronting her clearly. The sword she wields represents that assertive action is needed to cut away the source of our imbalance. Imbalance often occurs when we aren’t being one-hundred percent honest with ourselves. Lady Justice restores balance and clarity through facts.

Do you need to speak your truth to yourself or another, even if the thought of it makes you uncomfortable?

Does your life feel balanced right now? What do you need more or less of?

Justice personifies that little voice within us that is observing the truth of a given situation, no matter how inconvenient that truth might be. The figure of Justice is flanked by two gray pillars. The color gray is associated with neutrality.[1] Whenever Justice appears it is helpful to look at all the facts in an unbiased, neutral manner. To be neutral requires that you not let your emotions and expectations distort the facts. Wanting to believe something is true even when the facts prove otherwise will place you on a collision course with a rude awakening. If you look closely, Lady Justice has a square clasp at her neck and a square jewel in her crown. Squares are associated with honesty and strong foundations. We’ve all heard the expression “fair and square.” In astrology squares aren’t considered easy aspects, but they are considered responsible for the development of character and strength. The squares decorating Lady Justice symbolize that truth may not always be easy to confront initially. However, if you choose to proceed with integrity and honesty, you will find yourself on a stable pathway toward happiness, harmony and success.

Lady Justice reminds you to be clear with yourself and others about what you need to restore harmony.

Be warned however, it may require you to add the word "N-N-N-N-N-N-No!" to your vocabulary. Justice advises you to approach the source of your imbalance dispassionately. The scales of justice symbolize the need to weigh all the facts before deciding how best to act.  

If you've already been doing the work of facing your life honestly, Lady Justice arrives to declare, "Good for you! Isn’t the sensation of balance derived from honesty wonderful?" It takes courage to be honest with yourself. This is especially true if you are attached to a certain outcome. Other cards that appear around Justice can highlight which areas of your life require honesty at this time.

Justice in a Love Reading

New Relationship

Justice can signify a new partner who is attracted to intelligence, beauty, and elegance. They are repelled by crudeness and have refined taste. Proper etiquette is required when courting this person. They are most attracted to intellectually curious people. Justice people also love to debate issues… just so long as the discussion doesn’t become too heated.

Long Term Partnership

Justice can symbolize a well-balanced, complimentary partnership. Each person strives to uphold the relationship’s integrity through honesty. Often, this card will appear when an important truth needs to be confronted with neutrality. Justice can also indicate legally binding, contractual matters that may make your lives together more “official.”

Seeking Romance

If you are single, Justice encourages you to seek a relationship partner in an intellectual environment, such as a university, class, or community organization. Broaden your horizons and open your mind to people who aren’t what you consider your “physical type.” You may discover a connection of common interest that leads to something far more substantive.

Looking to learn more? Discover the Justice Reversed meaning.


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