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Four of Wands (Reversed) | Tarot Card of the Day
When the Four of Wands appears reversed, it indicates that something may be getting in the way to giving yourself over to joy.
Four of Wands (Upright) | Tarot Card of the Day
The Four of Wands reminds you to celebrate your rites of passage.
Four of Wands in Love | Daily Tarot Card Meanings for Relationships
"Celebrating Love, Nurturing Relationships Amid Fun and Sociability" | The Four of Wands brings an air of celebration, sociability, and joyous occasions to any love reading. This card embodies the lighter, more playful side of love, emphasizing the need for shared laughter, fun, and mutual understanding.
If the Six of Swords appears reversed, it suggests that you may be resisting change or finding it difficult to let go of the past.