Grandma Rose ā€” a lifetime of love and laughter. šŸŒ¹ā¤ļø

Hello friendsā€¦ Iā€™m reposting this from my IG to keep you in the loop about recent events and explain the recent sporadic uploadsā€¦ I realized I hadn't shared this news on my website as I did on Instagram, and I'm sorry for that. I also want to share a bit of Rose's story with those who didn't know her. Thank you all for your support & understanding. ā¤ļø

ā€œI am sorry my posts in the last couple weeks have not been as consistent. My husband Jacob and I have been caregiving for his Grandmother Rose in Iowa. She had been in declining health this last year and I have been going back and forth with Jacob to try to nurse her to health. Sadly she just passed away this week and we are making arrangements. We were lucky to have her pass at home.

Rose was one of my best friends. She and her husband Harvey would visit me and cheer me up with casino visits, more than several beers and lots of laughs before I wrote my book and didnā€™t know where my life was heading. She was the first one to welcome me to the family after my ā€œthen boyfriendā€ and I were making things official almost 13 years ago.

Rose was a super funny, unique Aquarius who was never boring and loaded with charisma. Everybody howled with laughter around Rose. She wasnā€™t sentimental but was very effervescent. She taught me how to enjoy life without stressing about the small stuff.

I am heading back to Iowa for her celebration of life ceremony. I havenā€™t played my oboe in 3 years but was asked by the family to play ā€œOver the Rainbowā€ for her. I got my oboe out of mothballs and started making reeds all week, only to discover how much Iā€™ve been missing it, singing with it, and enjoying the detailed work an oboe reed requires. I never thought Iā€™d play againā€¦ but like riding a bike itā€™s all coming back to me. šŸ˜Š

Iā€™m sorry to all of you that get great comfort from my weekly oracles and readings. Iā€™ve had to cancel all my appointments and havenā€™t had time to make daily and weekly videos. I promise there will be some really great content for the New Year. I will be taking the week off from tarot and social media. Though I appreciate all the kind support this community has given me, I may not be able to respond to comments for now.

Thank you for all your prayers and loving support. And thanks for reading this post! Part of life is loss. But always remember the sun rises again. ā˜€ļø

Her memorial can be viewed at:ā€


Choose Your Animal for the Oracle Reveal on Thursday, Jan 4!


Four of Pentacles (Reversed) | Tarot Card of the Day