Five of Swords in Love | Daily Tarot Card Meanings for Relationships

"Navigating conflict, seeking clarity in love."

The Five of Swords is a complex card. Its appearance in a love reading often heralds a period of tension, conflict, or challenging communication. It brings to light the intricate dynamics in our relationships and encourages introspection, understanding, and growth. It is a call for discernment and mindful engagement in matters of love.

YouTube | Five of Swords ❤️😰⚔️ in #love Tarot Card and its Significance in Relationships

Five of Swords (Upright) in a Love Reading

New Relationship

The Five of Swords can represent a new love interest who is a “fixer-upper.” They might meet many of your standards, but certainly not all of them. Your strong feelings may rationalize away their flaws. Beware of tolerating more of this person’s issues than you can handle. This card can also signify someone who isn’t quite ready for a commitment yet. Be honest, clear, and direct.

Long Term Partnership

The Five of Swords can signify a partnership of conflicting opposites. One partner may be cool and cerebral, while the other partner is sensitive and volatile. It may seem as if you speak two different languages altogether. Counseling or other resources may help you both clarify what you are attempting to communicate to the other.

Seeking Romance

If you are single, you may be feeling overwhelmed by the messiness of dating. Past nightmare scenarios may have left you feeling defeated or disheartened. Take your time before diving into the next emotionally intense situation. Walk into new partnerships with clear, and sensible boundaries. Make sure your standards are being respected.

Five of Swords (Reversed) in a Love Reading

New Relationship

It may be time to walk away from a relationship that is giving you more sorrow and stress than joy. Although it may be difficult, you will fare better is turn away from disempowering partnerships. This card can also signify that you need to be clearer about your relationship expectations from the beginning.

Long Term Partnership

You have been engaged in an argument, conflict or struggle and your energy has feels scattered and messy. You may need to walk away from the conflict to get clear about what it is you want. Difficult conversations are necessary in any relationship but cease to be productive if they repeatedly devolve. Know your non-negotiables and adhere to them.

Seeking Romance

There is an overwhelming conflict between your head and heart which needs to be resolved. Keep your word with yourself. If you say you are going to uphold a better standard, stick with it. If you are experiencing a moment of weakness, seek the support of the people you trust who want the best for you.

Looking to learn more? Discover the Five of Swords (Reversed) and Five of Swords (Upright)in a general tarot reading.

Visit Elliot Oracle for your daily dose of tarot wisdom. Feel free to browse my other posts for more insights into tarot meanings, or book a one-one-one tarot reading. Until next time, let the magic of the tarot guide you on your journey of self-discovery and personal growth! :)


Choose Your Animal for the Oracle Reveal on Thursday, June 8th!


Page of Pentacles in Love | Daily Tarot Card Meanings for Relationships