Six of Pentacles (Upright) | Tarot Card of the Day

“Compassion and generosity.”

Six of Pentacles (Upright) | Tarot Card of the Day

Six of Pentacles (Upright) | Tarot Card

The Six of Pentacles represents compassion, generosity and hospitality.

It encapsulates acts of kindness and the concept of good karma. This card reminds you that the true quality of a person is not measured by how much they suck up to the influential people of society. Instead, it is measured by how they treat people of whom they stand to gain nothing from. When you show kindness and generosity to those you would probably gain “nothing” from, you may find that you walk away with a gift far greater. Sometimes the one who most needs to accept the kindness being offered is you!

The Six of Pentacles can often signify that another person may be playing the part of an angel for you. Offerings of assistance, opportunities and support may appear from a benefactor that wishes to invest in you. Allow yourself to receive when these magical helpers appear. Being able to receive is an indication that you feel worthy.

Are you forgetting to see the divine spark in the eyes of those around you?

Do you have difficulty accepting help when it’s offered? Does making eye-contact frighten you, causing you to avoid connecting with others?

The rich merchant on this card has worked hard to escape the crushing poverty of his youth. However, he will always remember what it was like. He had to deal with a lot of other poor people in “survival mode.” The merchant knows that he could have ended up just like the people society ignores. If he was born without certain privileges, didn’t have mentors, got sick, had a disability, made a wrong decision somewhere in the past, well then, he might be begging for scraps too. By valuing the beggars pictured here (so like the figures on the Five of Pentacles), the merchant affirms their worth as human beings. This act validates the dignity of people that may feel they were not welcome.

The merchant holds the scales. This shows he sees both sides. He also remembers many poor people showed him loyalty and kindness in his youth. These folks embodied qualities far more valuable than what can be found among the upper echelons. He learned the dignity of hard work and how to keep fighting to overcome obstacles. Therefore, he sees value in people that society might overlook. You see the merchant here, willingly handing out four coins to a beggar in need. Four is a number associated with creating new, solid foundations. The merchant hands the coins to a beggar in a gesture of blessing that mirrors the Hierophant. This symbolizes there is a higher, spiritual purpose to this act, that transcends mere generosity.

The merchant also knows another magical truth from his youth. That angels disguise themselves as social outcasts all the time, waiting to bless those who stop, and notice the light in their eyes.

There are many myths, fairy tales, and religious stories that stretch far back into human history with the same theme.  A test is presented to someone who is privileged in some way. A God, a fairy or an angel, appears before the fortunate individual, disguised as a beggar. If the individual treats the beggar kindly, the divine being offers some sort of magical assistance (such as the Goddess Hera disguised as a crone before helping Jason retrieve the Golden Fleece). If, however, the privileged person treats the beggar as worthless, something terrible always happens. The uncaring person undergoes a horrible transformation. Their “outsides” begin to reflect the ugly they harbor within. Remember the fairy’s curse in Beauty and the Beast?

Giving strangers a warm welcome, offering food, and showing respect was one of the most sacred customs from Ancient Greece. It was a custom decreed by their king of the Gods, Zeus. The Greeks believed that Gods and Goddesses appeared before men as “lowly people” all the time, testing their humanity. If the Gods were treated well, they could miraculously change one’s fortunes. Some Christian stories also describe angels doing the exact same thing.

Today, you too could be interacting with an angel unaware.

Don’t ignore the light within the eyes of those around you. Also, don’t assume you know another’s “societal worth,” by their outward appearance. Spiritual beings love to disguise themselves as what society deems as outcasts or “crazy people.” I believe angels or Gods can take over their bodies (I’ve seen it myself). It’s probably easier for angels to take over the minds of eccentric people. People without an open mind seem to have a “closed sign” up for the angels.

What will you do today to ensure your own good karma? Perhaps you already have been doing this work. If so, your rewards are currently finding their way to you.

What goes around comes around.

The Six of Pentacles in a Love Reading:

New Relationship

The person you are interested in appears to have it all. Make sure that you are not placing their perceived value on a pedestal at the expense of your own. Embrace what makes you powerful and meet this person as an equal. The Six of Pentacles can also signify a new relationship with someone who holds a higher position or has secured more wealth than you.

Long Term Partnership

For a healthy relationship, the Six of Pentacles can be a secure card. A balance has likely been struck in your union. Your partnership is complimentary. Although one partner may wield more worldly power, they are complimented by their beloved’s inner strengths. This card can also signify a time where your partner needs your selfless help and support through difficulties.

Seeking Romance

If you are single, the Six of Pentacles asks you to be mindful of role you are embodying, the equal partner, the giver, or the beggar. You don’t need to beg for someone to love you. Likewise, you don’t need to constantly give in to disempowered people. Seek equity in your relationships and enter them with your power intact.

Looking to learn more? Discover the Six of Pentacles (Reversed) meaning.


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