Six of Wands (Upright) | Tarot Card of the Day
“Celebrate your excellence, embrace your uniqueness, and shine bright!”
Six of Wands (Upright) | Tarot Card
The Six of Wands represents gaining attention through excellence.
This card reminds you that nobody does you like you! Everybody has a gift, talent, or personal strength that they really excel at. This card advises you not only to embrace your talents but to display them unapologetically. The best way to improve your life is to love yourself fully, and this includes the gifts that you bring.
The Six of Wands is often associated with victory and success. It signals a time when you have overcome obstacles and are now enjoying the recognition and rewards of your efforts. This card encourages you to shine and be proud of who you are and what you have accomplished. It is not a time for false modesty but rather a moment to acknowledge your achievements and allow others to celebrate you. Embrace this opportunity to stand tall and recognize your unique gifts and contributions to the world.
This is absolutely the "Fame Card," representing the acknowledgment earned through sheer excellence. This card serves as a powerful reminder that there is no one else in the world quite like you. Within each person lies a distinctive gift, talent, or strength that sets them apart. The wisdom of this card urges you not only to embrace these innate abilities but to boldly showcase them to the world. You possess a one-of-a-kind blend of skills—a recipe that only you can offer. Embracing your talents is a vital step towards self-love, an essential aspect of a fulfilling life.
Do you diminish your abilities and belittle your talents so others don't think you are "better than them?"
Were you taught that it’s immodest and rude to call attention to your gifts? (A huge epidemic in the Midwest!) Are you speaking up, and getting compensated appropriately for the work that you do?
The man on the card is the center of a triumphant procession. He is elevated by his peers because of his gifts. His regal bearing shows that he is completely comfortable with his self-confidence. He isn't being arrogant, he is simply owning what makes "him," him. The others in the procession carry their own wands, but only his wand is wreathed with glory. He is "standing out," and he isn't afraid of it. His horse is richly dressed, this guy is not afraid to put on a show. Most people love it! It appears that he saved the town, or is a marvelous celebrity. However, if you look closely behind the man riding the horse, there is another face in the crowd. This face holds an expression of jealousy and envy.
It's a sad fact that the people who shine brightest will often be the targets of others who are insecure with their own abilities. Sometimes this fear of being targeted causes talented people, with extraordinary gifts, to hide their gifts. And yet, it really isn't about others. If you are following your passion, and loving every moment of it, then it won't matter at all what others think. If you truly believe in your value, and your worth then there should be no question that you should own your best-self. If you are afraid to be yourself because of a backlash from others, then you probably have some serious self-loving to get to! In the end, it's not about what others think about you, but what you truly believe about yourself. Do you feel worthy enough to reveal the "real you?"
Today, it's time to fully embrace your talents, abilities, and your worth.
It's time to stop throwing yourself under the bus, to appease the wounded egos of the weak. The people that you actually want to attract will love when you are confident. You will actually attract other individuals who are comfortable in their own skin. The people who are repelled by your light will go away. And good riddance! Buh-Bye! The only thing you need to do is follow your inner compass, and stop conforming to what the bovines want you to be.
So ask for that raise! Stop apologizing for yourself to make others feel better. Raise your prices if they are way too low. Let your thoughts be known (respectfully). Call attention to your talents and promote them. Go for that promotion. Stop following and lead your own life. "Own it!"
Go out and be your own best cheerleader!
Six of Wands in a Love Reading
New Relationship
The Six of Wands can signify an engaging and charismatic partner. Your new love interest shines brightly and is likely attracted to the confidence you also exhibit. Avoid acting overly apologetic with this person. Lack of confidence and neediness is a huge turn off. Occasionally take the initiative and make the first move. Be radiant, dazzle, and shine.
Long Term Partnership
The Six of Wands can signify an extroverted partner who likes to take the spotlight. This relationship works well because the other partner doesn’t mind playing the role of the supporting cast. In many ways, this relationship is on full display. Ensure that there is occasionally time for just the two of you.
Seeking Romance
If you are single, the Six of Wands encourages you to keep increasing your self-esteem by engaging in whatever makes you shine. If you step into the spotlight, the arrow of love will find its mark. This card can also signify better relationship opportunities after the achievement of a personal accomplishment.