King of Pentacles (Reversed) | Tarot Card of the Day
“Organizing thoughts and priorities.”
King of Pentacles (Reversed) | Tarot Card
If the King of Pentacles appears reversed, he signals that it is time to get organized in your thinking.
Future goals can quickly become overwhelming if you try to tackle every single detail from the start. You may also feel like you are losing your joy for your work. The King of Pentacles advises you to break up your major goals into smaller achievable tasks. Be patient with yourself, and with the process of achieving your goals.
What is the most pressing issue that needs to be addressed in order to begin the journey toward your goal?
What seems to be habitually holding up progress? Are you avoiding something out of fear? What do you need to learn more about to take your next steps?
If the King of Pentacles reversed represents another person, he could be someone in a position of leadership that is overwhelmed by his duties. He might appear unqualified or may need to receive more training. He can also represent someone who wants to take financial shortcuts.
Take your major goal and break it up into a manageable sequence of steps.
Organize your tasks into a schedule and take action. The King of Pentacles is a master organizer. He patiently and lovingly tends his vineyard over time, ensuring the sweetest grapes. The best grapes cannot be hurried. The King’s example can help you remove “mental clutter,” blocking your progress. He exemplifies the notion that Rome was not built in a day. However, the King of Pentacles (upright or reversed) reassures you that Rome was eventually built!
King of Pentacles (Reversed) in a Love Reading
New Relationship
The King of Pentacles reversed can represent a potential relationship partner you are increasingly impatient with. Perhaps you aren’t receiving a commitment within a reasonable amount of time. Sometimes a situation will become increasingly uncomfortable to motivate you toward something better.
Long Term Partnership
The King of Pentacles reversed can represent a partner who is financially successful but emotionally unavailable. He might also be content with how things appear on the surface rather addressing the deeper needs of the relationship. This card can also signify an unhappy relationship that has come to feel more like a business.
Seeking Romance
If the King of Pentacles reversed represents you, there is likely some unfinished emotional business that is thwarting your new beginning. You cannot rush through this process. Until you bring complete closure to the past, you may feel your new chapter is continuously out of reach.