Six of Cups (Reversed) | Tarot Card of the Day

“Releasing the past.” 

Six of Cups (Reversed) | Tarot Card of the Day

Six of Cups (Reversed) | Tarot Card

When the Six of Cups appears in reverse, it may indicate that you are clinging to the past and finding it difficult to move on.

The past is powerful. Looking back on it can conjure feelings... some good, and some that are just awful. The important thing to remember is that each day is new. Old hurts are not guaranteed to transpire just as they did before...unless you are replaying them in your head and not letting go.

Although the past carries its weight, it doesn't dictate the course of the future unless one consciously replays old hurts in the mind, hindering the process of letting go. This card encourages a mindful exploration of the present, untethered from the shadows of the past.

When looking back, do you focus more on the negative then the positive?

The message of the Six of Cups is to take a moment to reflect on the happy moments from your past and use them as a guide to what brings you fulfillment and joy in the present and future. It's important to remember that the pursuit of safety and security is necessary, but it shouldn't take over your life and cause you to forget about the things that truly make you happy.

By reflecting on your past, you can tap into the forgotten parts of yourself and remember what you truly want in life. This can help you set goals and take action towards achieving them. It's important to prioritize your happiness and not get caught up in the routine of securing basic needs. Remembering what brought you joy in the past can help you create a vision for your future and live a fulfilling life.

The past can only repeat itself in our minds; new opportunities surround us in the present.

Today, do a symbolic ritual to let go of past hurts that are causing interference with the present. Take out a piece of paper and write out three things from your past that you fear are going to happen again. Find a large (fire safe) container and set the list aflame. As the paper burns, watch how quickly the past can be released. Take the ashes outside and scatter them to the winds. Those ashes are just like your thoughts. You can release them. You don't want those messy ashes spread around your house...why keep them in your head? The past only repeats itself in our minds. Today, you can choose a totally new approach. New opportunities surround you, but you must be present to take full advantage of them. This moment is where life is happening. Let go of hurt, or fear from the past. Be present!

Six of Cups (Reversed) in a Love Reading

New Relationship

The person you are inquiring about is mentally trapped in the past. Although it is time for them to let go of an old identity, expectation, or person, they feel resistant to surrendering it. Sometimes the challenge of the Six of Cups reversed is looking for a relationship partner to fulfill unmet needs from childhood.

Long Term Partnership

You (or a partner) are having trouble letting go of the past. Something significant has made its imprint and is indirectly playing out in your current relationship life. Avoid scorekeeping or nursing an old grievance. It’s time to honestly communicate about what is bothering you and seek closure.

Seeking Romance

You might hear from a past love or get contacted by a former relationship partner. Don’t be surprised if the past comes knocking. This could be an ideal time to bring closure to old issues. 

The past usually repeats itself, so try not to trick yourself into thinking that “this time will be different.” Learn from your personal history instead of repeating it.

Looking to learn more? Discover the Six of Cups (Upright) meaning.


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