Nine of Cups (Reversed) | Tarot Card of the Day

“Relish life's joys but avoid excess.”

Nine of Cups (Reversed) | Tarot Card of the Day

Nine of Cups (Reversed) | Tarot Card

When the Nine of Cups appears reversed, you should enjoy the good things in life but be warned of excess.

When the Nine of Cups appears reversed, it offers a gentle reminder to enjoy the good things in life but also warns of excess. This card nudges you towards balance. It invites you to savor life's pleasures, yet cautions you not to overindulge. Even beneficial things, when done excessively, can lead to imbalance. This card also calls your attention to other excesses in your life. Perhaps you need to monitor if you worry excessively or change a behavior that you engage in too much. Are you overworking, overthinking, or overdoing any aspect of your life? The Nine of Cups reversed prompts you to examine these tendencies. A nudge towards moderation may be in order. The Delphic Oracle had two famous sayings above the temple: "Know Thyself," and "Nothing in Excess." It was believed that if people followed these two tenets, they would be blessed with balanced and fulfilling lives. These timeless pieces of wisdom resonate even today. By knowing oneself and practicing moderation, one can achieve a harmonious and balanced existence. As you reflect on this card today, consider areas in your life where balance may need to be restored.

YouTube video for the Nine of Cups (Reversed) | Tarot Card of the Day by Elliot Oracle

What behavior is taking up most of your time?

What other aspects of your life are you neglecting? Are you using an excess to avoid something that scares you?
Sometimes, the "excess" in question isn't looked upon by others as a vice. For example; someone who works excessively is often admired by others, even if it isn't good for their personal health or balance. Look upon your life from high above, and with the perspective of an eagle. Take back control and choose balance. Other cards in the reading may reveal what is being done too much at this time.

The Nine of Cups reversed is a tarot card that represents the fulfillment of wishes but cautions against excess.

The jovial merchant pictured on this card has a passion for living, feasting and tasting. Sure, he's chubby… but in 1909 when this card was drawn, being plump meant you were eating well! The satisfied merchant knows he's lucky. He dreams big, and always seems to get his wish. His red hat and stockings represent his vitality and boldness. The successes he's acquired are symbolized by his nine golden cups. These successes weren't just given to him, he went out in the world to achieve them. However, before he acquired them, each success began as a wish. For his wishes to come true, the merchant had to know that he deserved them. The merchant can sit back and truly enjoy what he has manifested. He felt good about his prospects before they ever fully materialized… and materialize they did.

You can have your wishes too, but you must first feel good about your life its prospects now.

To turn the tide of worrying, you must allow yourself present happiness. The golden cups are laid out for you, ripe for the taking. When the Nine of Cups appears, open yourself to feeling good about this moment. Become aware of where you are, and savor all that is already laid before you. If you can find enjoyment in your life now, even more will come.

This Nine of Cups always reminds me of Rosalind Russell's 1958 performance as "Auntie Mame." Anyone in a depressed or discouraged mood about life should watch it. Auntie Mame gets it when she exclaims: “Life is a banquet and most poor suckers are starving to death!”

Nine of Cups (Reversed) in a Love Reading

New Relationship

The Nine of Cups reversed will advise that too much of a good thing can lead to imbalance. Love is the most intoxicating drug. If you have been without romance for a while, a new attraction can quickly overtake your reason. Beware of getting obsessive or addicted to a person you are physically attracted to. Stay grounded and maintain self-control.

Long Term Partnership

The Nine of Cups reversed can represent a partner who indulges too much in drinking, eating, or a particular substance. Although this isn’t usually apparent at the beginning, it could be an issue that compounds over time. You may need to have a conversation about self-restraint or seek other support.

Seeking Romance

You are excessively focused on one part of your life such as work, school, or spirituality. This is distracting you from indulging in romance and pleasure. It is time to consciously reinvest in making yourself feel desirable again. You don’t need a partner to begin feeling good in your own skin. Accept invitations for socializing and fun with friends.

Looking to learn more? Discover the Nine of Cups (Upright) meaning.


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