Seven of Wands (Reversed) | Tarot Card of the Day
“Let go of struggling with others and embrace collaboration."
Seven of Wands (Reversed) | Tarot Card
When the Seven of Wands appears reversed, it advises you to let go of the false belief that it’s you against the world.
This card also asks if you are injecting an attitude of struggle and exasperation into your tasks. The Seven of Wands reversed can indicate that there are many demands being made upon you mentally, physically and emotionally at this time. This card often appears when there is the anticipation of conflict, which is making you tense.
To overcome this mindset, the reversed Seven of Wands encourages you to seek support from others and embrace collaboration. By recognizing that you don't have to face every challenge alone, you can alleviate some of the pressure and allow for a more balanced approach to problem-solving. Open yourself up to new perspectives and be willing to delegate tasks when necessary. By adopting a more cooperative attitude, you'll find that you can better navigate the challenges that come your way and ultimately achieve greater success and fulfillment.
The Seven of Wands, when reversed, is a reminder to examine the way you approach obstacles and challenges in your life. While the upright position of this card symbolizes standing your ground and defending your position, the reversed Seven of Wands suggests that you may be unnecessarily creating a combative atmosphere, making your struggles more difficult than they need to be.
How can you proactively release some of the stress you are experiencing?
Sometimes the basic meaning of this card is to stop pushing so hard to “make” life do what you want. Call your attention to your neck and shoulders. Are they tense, raised or tight? It’s time to breathe deep relaxation into these muscles and let them drop. Bracing for life situations before they’ve happened will often ensure they are more difficult to experience. Instead, accept life as it reveals itself to you. Even the “difficult” moments need to be accepted. Say yes to what is happening. Accept it. It will change your posture from tension to transcendence. The more you resist life as it is, the more unnecessary suffering you will subject yourself to.
The man on the card is depicted standing on a hilltop, defending his position against unseen attackers. He wears two different shoes, symbolizing his nonconformity and individualism. While those in the group below may be more interested in fitting in and attacking those who stand out, the man on the hilltop remains true to his personal strength and honor.
As humans, we all have an instinctual desire to be accepted and belong, but we must be mindful of the negative behaviors we engage in to gain acceptance. Gossip, groupthink, and rejection of those who appear "different" can erode our integrity and individualism. Instead, we should strive to embrace compassion and take a stand against behavior that is beneath our dignity.
Stop pushing so hard to “make” life do what you expect it should be.
Another meaning for the Seven of Wands reversed is that you aren’t allowing yourself to be open or vulnerable with others. No-one is an island. Perhaps you need to accept help from others when it’s offered, of even to ask for it. You may need to remember that you are connected and not alone. If you have no evidence for a possible threat from others try not to approach your interactions with an unnecessary guard up. The keyword for this card is acceptance. Acceptance of yourself, acceptance of others and acceptance of what is changing.
Looking to learn more? Click on the card names below:
Discover the Seven of Wands (Upright) meaning.
Learn what the Seven of Wands means in matters of love as part of my ‘Tarot in Love’ series.