Ten of Swords (Upright) | Tarot Card of the Day
“Confronting your fears.”
Ten of Swords (Upright) | Tarot Card
When the Ten of Swords appears in a reading, it is a powerful reminder that we must confront our fears and face the consequences of our actions.
Help! The Ten of Swords looks scary! Are we all going to die?!
Absolutely not! The Tarot has done it again, using potent symbolism to get us to wake up and pay attention to something very important.
Ignoring fear is the same as running from it. It’s still there. Lurking about as usual. Often the thing we fear (horrible illnesses, death, poverty, loss) is a distraction from going deeper and listening to our inner spirit. Spirit does not want suffering for you. But the only way to be free from needless suffering is to surrender. You aren’t surrendering to fear, you are surrendering the fear. Surrender to feeling the fear and then let it go.
What fears are you constantly trying to keep ahead of?
Is your day filled with thoughts of terrible things that might happen? Do you try to just “keep busy” so you don’t have to face the source of your unease?
The man on the card is face down. All the swords are in his back. Whatever “got him” was chasing him from behind. He was running away. The swords in his back symbolize his irrational fears. They finally caught up with him. But look closer. In his last moment he finally learned to surrender his fears to Spirit. This is symbolized by his right hand signaling a gesture of blessing, just like the Hierophant. Whereas the Hierophant represents rites of passage you choose to undergo, the Ten of Swords represents challenging rites of passage that you may not have chosen. The gesture of blessing on both cards indicate the transformation you are undergoing is “meant to be.” This rite of passage will serve to make your spirit stronger; its sacred meaning has yet to be revealed. It is time to stop avoiding the threshold you must cross. Surrender and have faith.
The Ten of Swords asks that you turn around and face the fears that have been chasing you.
Tell the fear, "I'm not running from you today." Give yourself five minutes to feel all the scary things fear is trying spook you with (illness, aloneness, poverty, loss, failure). Set a timer. When the alarm goes off, that's it. The fear doesn’t get any more of your energy today, it’s already taken five valuable minutes. Let go of amorphous fears and enjoy something about being alive at this moment. Focus on the colors around you. Witness something beautiful. Fear is like the dog that chases the car. When the car stops, the dog doesn't know what to do. Fear thrives when you ruminate. Switch mental gears. Reach out to a trusted loved one. Speak your fear aloud. Sometimes speaking the fear to someone who supports you is the first step to truly letting it go. Take your fears out of the shadows and into the light.
A wise teacher of mine, Nancy Retzlaff, used to have a saying on her dresser that she looked at every morning:
"This is God. I will be handling all your problems today. I won't need any of your help so enjoy your day."
Enjoy your day!
Ten of Swords in a Love Reading
New Relationship
The Ten of Swords can highlight a major ending that either you or your new love interest is still reeling from. Try not to rush forward if time is still required for healing or resolution. A healthy new relationship can only take root if past issues are confronted and resolved. This card can also alert you if you are falling into a self-sabotaging past cycle with a new relationship.
Long Term Partnership
The Ten of Swords can represent a difficult issue that may feel more comfortable to avoid than talk about. Sometimes, this card signifies a painful breakup. You may feel “stabbed in the back” by the heartless behavior of someone you thought you could trust. Stop investing your entire self into an unsustainable relationship. It’s time to leave betrayal behind.
Seeking Romance
If you are single, you may be struggling to release expectations of disappointment or defeat. The storm has passed and it’s time to pick up the pieces. A positive new beginning will occur when you truly move on from the past. This card will also warn you to avoid committing to a partner who causes you pain.