Eight of Cups (Reversed) | Tarot Card of the Day

“Reconnecting with your authentic self.”

Eight of Cups (Reversed) | Tarot Card of the Day

Eight of Cups (Reversed) | Tarot Card

When the reversed Eight of Cups appears, it signals a need to reconnect with your true nature.

You may have forgotten how to decipher the message being whispered to you through the rustle of leaves. The Eight of Cups highlights the inevitable feeling of hollowness that accompanies immersion in the artificial. All that glitters may not be gold. Sometimes the lessons of this card are revealed in a person or position you may be placing on a pedestal at the expense of yourself. Admiration is one thing, but believing you are “less-than” because you haven’t impressed this person or that, is just another way to hurt yourself.

In traditional Rider Waite tarot symbolism, the reversed Eight of Cups speaks of the need to listen to the healing call of your authentic self. It indicates a disconnection from your true nature and a tendency to prioritize external influences over your own inner voice.

This card invites you to reflect on whether you have been compromising your values and desires to pursue external recognition or validation. It urges you to remember that material success and superficial admiration do not necessarily equate to true fulfillment. The Eight of Cups reversed highlights the emptiness and hollowness that can arise from immersing yourself in pursuits that are not aligned with your authentic self.

Listen closely to the whispers of your inner wisdom and reconnect with your true passions and aspirations. Release the need for external validation and embrace your own unique journey. Take a step back from people or situations that may be draining your energy and preventing you from honoring your authentic self. Trust that by prioritizing your own well-being and pursuing what truly resonates with you, you will find a sense of wholeness and fulfillment.

So, heed the message of the reversed Eight of Cups and listen to the healing call of your authentic self. Let go of the need for external validation and prioritize your own well-being. Embrace your true passions and aspirations, honoring the whispers of your inner wisdom. Choose a path that aligns with your values and brings you a sense of genuine fulfillment.

YouTube video for the Eight of Cups (Reversed) | Tarot Card of the Day by Elliot Oracle

Have you been distracting yourself from the deeper call within?

Your authentic self is calling back. It cannot be found in the external world of ego, position, image or validation from others. This card often appears when things seem to be "off," and may be accompanied by melancholy or even depression. When these feelings set in, it's usually a sign that some deep part of you is feeling neglected, and not heard. When it is not heard...it acts up.

In order to move forward, it is necessary to first let go of what no longer serves you. This can be a difficult process, but it is necessary for growth and transformation. By releasing what is holding you back, you create space for new opportunities and experiences to come into your life.

Take some time to connect with nature and allow yourself to be guided by your instincts. Nature has a way of grounding us and helping us to reconnect with our true selves. Trust in the journey, even if it feels uncertain or scary. Remember, the journey inward is not always easy, but it is always worth it in the end.

The Eight of Cups reversed puts you into contact with the mental barriers you’ve erected to tune out your deeper feelings.

Sometimes this card can even highlight being in a state of denial. Plasticity will no longer cut it. Take the time to seek quiet. Bravely turn your attention inward, to any place within your heart that feels empty, insecure or unfulfilled. Self-investment will fill this empty place, not the attainment of something “out there.”

Breathe into your center and breathe out all the shallows that really don’t matter in the end. Gently turn your awareness inward and ask your heart what it really needs right now. It is the core part of you that has been on your side and rooting for you through your whole journey. The depth within you is repelled by the inauthentic. Be real. Take the time to acknowledge what you really need to feel whole. It won’t be a person, position or thing. You encompass far more.

What does the Eight of Cups mean in a love reading? Click here to find out!


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