Page of Swords (Upright) | Tarot Card of the Day
“Lowering unnecessary defenses.”
Page of Swords (Upright) | Tarot Card
The Page of Swords represents unnecessary defensiveness.
These defenses guard a wounded area of the heart that needs healing. The Page of Swords guards himself from the feedback others give, which stunts his development. He often pretends that he is fine, and that it’s everyone else who has the issue. If the Page of Swords could lower his unneeded defenses, he would experience a huge breakthrough. His openness would get him past the blockages he keeps experiencing. He would then ascend to the next level.
Do you ever get defensive?
(If you rush to say “No!” then this card is for you!) Is it difficult to hear honest critical feedback from others? Is fear of people seeing your vulnerabilities causing you to shut down, or detach?
The Page of Swords is often misunderstood and has been described as dishonest. However, this really isn’t a fair assessment. He is not a “liar,” because he has no awareness of his dishonesty. He is a poser. He is unable to assess himself accurately. His ego gets in the way. The Page of Swords is not a bad person. He is in denial about some difficult feelings. He also has more maturing to do.
Maturing!? He doesn’t agree! He is never wrong. He is always the best at what he does. He’s read the most books, won the most games, and has the most achievements. He is cleverer than the other Pages. He says, “They think I need to mature?!” “They’re crazy!” “Look at how stupid they are.” “I’m smarter than them anyway!” Notice the haphazard flock of birds. They are not flying in a unified, cohesive formation. The Page of Swords does not work well with others, and this ensures disharmony in organizations. It does not bode well for cooperation in relationships either.
Look closely at the Page of Swords’ position in the picture. He is guarding himself. The sword is raised to swing at any incomer. It is difficult to hug this Page. You just can’t seem to get close. He is in total defensive position. Even the biting winds of his words warn you to keep distant. The cold winds upset the birds above, and lash at the trees. All this defensiveness is a mask for hurt. A feeling of vulnerability that others will discover the Page of Swords doesn’t feel one hundred percent confident about what he is doing. If he could open himself to taking honest feedback, and admit he doesn’t know everything, he would experience a huge breakthrough.
The Page of Swords represents the part of us that resists having vulnerabilities seen.
He shows up in ourselves when we lash out in defense of our pride. He also appears in the form of other individuals in our day to day interactions that have no self-awareness. When the Page of Swords comes in the form of another person, he will often trigger your own inner “Page of Swords” reaction. This is why he can be so irritating when he appears in the behaviors of people at work, or family members you are struggling with. Don’t get irritated or triggered when the Page of Swords appears. Thank him! For he is revealing the resistant part of you that needs to be more vulnerable and open in order to improve. Pages can represent “the young at heart” of any gender.
Looking to learn more? Click on the card names below:
Discover the Page of Swords (Reversed) meaning.
Learn what the Page of Swords means in matters of love, as part of my ‘Tarot in Love’ series.