Page of Pentacles (Upright) | Tarot Card of the Day

“Passion for learning.”

Page of Pentacles (Upright) | Tarot Card of the Day

Page of Pentacles (Upright) | Tarot Card

The Page of Pentacles represents the passion you feel for what really interests you.

This can be a goal, a talent, a creative pursuit or a career that you love. To get better at anything, you must work at it. When your interests become “work,” it can be easy to forget why you used to love it. The job to do (and the anxiety to do it well), can soon take the place of the passion. The process of getting better at anything is strewn with mistakes. Errors are your best teachers. If you don’t remind yourself what you love about the work you do, your morale can quickly sink. If you throw in comparing yourself to others, who you think do it “better,” and you’ve got a perfect recipe for anxiety, apathy or avoidance. In order to reclaim your passion, get back to the basics. It’s time to remind yourself what initially made you passionate about this pursuit in the first place!

YouTube video for the Page of Pentacles (Upright) | Tarot Card of the Day by Elliot Oracle

Why did you choose to go into the work you do?

What stoked your enthusiasm when you were just getting started? Has perfecting your talents become something that gives you more anxiety than joy? How has an area of study enriched your life?

The Page holds up his Pentacle with reverence. It is a symbol of his passion for learning, perfecting and understanding. He lives in a fertile valley in the shade of trees and mountains. However, every image on this card is in its beginning stage. The cluster of trees is not yet a forest. The lone mountain in the distance is not yet a range. The small cultivated garden is hardly an expansive field of crops ready for harvest. These all symbolize the idea of something yet to come. Although the Page of Pentacles is a child of the “Earth element,” he always seems to have his head in the clouds. This kid is going places! His red hat symbolizes the passion he has for the creative ideas he is just getting started with. He is not just a dreamer but also a “doer.” His green tunic represents the abundance that will result from making his ideas tangible successes in the external world.

Sometimes anxiety about doing well or being “perfect,” causes avoidance of the very things that used to bring joy. The Page of Pentacles asks you to remember what ideas imbue you with a sense of passion and excitement. Did your passion make you feel good, or did it help someone? Is it something that highlights your unique brilliance?

The Page of Pentacles symbolizes honing your skills and ideas.

He represents the excitement that accompanies the transformation of ideas into solid reality. This can be done through school, training or personal study. In the case of new goals, this card holds the promise for their realization.

For success to take root, the love for your idea must supersede your anxiety about it.

When the Page of Pentacles represents a person, he symbolizes a precocious younger individual (perhaps a student), who is still undergoing a learning process. His ideas are usually brilliant, and he shows a great potential for future success. The Page of Pentacles is especially talented in the realm of teaching, learning or perfecting. Pages can represent “the young at heart” of any gender.

Looking to learn more? Click on the card names below:

  1. Discover the Page of Pentacles (Reversed) meaning.

  2. Learn what the Page of Pentacles means in matters of love, as part of my ‘Tarot in Love’ series.


Weekly Oracle Reveal 🔮✨ | Tarot Reading for Dec 5 to Dec 11 | Elliot Oracle 🕊️ 🐇 🦇


Page of Wands (Reversed) | Tarot Card of the Day